Can We Try?

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TW - Mention of foster care and a little bit of angry Logan :)

"Yes, I'll download TikTok." Virgil laughed as he faced one of his teenage patients, a smile on his face as he watched the young teen finally open up about the friends they met online that were much better than the friends they had at school. They knew everything about the online world and about every app so they diagnosed their therapist as a TikTok lover. "Does next Wednesday sound good? When's your robotics club this year?"

Virgil was just finishing his session when he got a phone call from the local social services. Luckily his patient had only just left so he could answer the call, he sat on the bay window in his therapy shed and hugged a leg as he listened in. He was needed when he was next available to give a witness statement about Patton – his mother still hadn't been located.

So of course Virgil got in the car straight away to the office he was told to go to. It was a police office Virgil knew well as there were a few therapy offices inside that Virgil used to work in during his grad school placements. Now he was happy he worked at home and didn't have to deal with the awkward co-worker chatter.

There was one person that stayed at this particular therapy office after the placement, so while he was waiting for the police officers Virgil gave his friend a visit. "Hey Em?" He called as he walked into the one therapy office with lights on – a play therapy centre. The room was decorated in pink clouds and Steven Universe posters so it was definitely his friend's office.

And almost immediately Emile appeared from a corner and ran up to Virgil for a hug. "Oh my God Virgil! What are you doing here?" He cheered with the usual wide smile on his face. Emile and Virgil were best friends when they were training together – they never lived together as Emile was already married to the college campus barista when they met but they treated each other like brothers nevertheless.

Before Virgil could explain what was going to happen he heard a familiar little voice run up to him too. "Hi-Hi!" The little voice shouted and tugged on Virgil's jeans and staring up at him again was Patton.

"Oh – Do you know this man Patton?" Emile cooed and knelt to Patton's height with his usual smile. Patton nodded excitedly and sucked his thumb again as he swung side to side.

"He found me!" Patton said proudly, only pulling his thumb out his mouth for a second but his eyes had not left Virgil since he arrived. Emile's face immediately pulled a wider smile and a gasp. He ushered Patton away to carry on playing before excitedly whispering.

"You're going to foster him? That's what's in the plans for little buddy at the moment – oh I can't wait to see you take such a fatherly role!" Emile was almost bouncing but Virgil could only raise an eyebrow confused. He definitely wasn't a foster parent – wasn't there a load of paperwork to sign before that? And the idea Virgil would be placed with such a young child seemed alien too. At least teenagers had an adequate way to communicate. There was a reason Virgil only just passed the play therapist placement. But Emile was still chatting excitedly and watching Patton run about and chase himself with all his superhero dolls. "Virgil you're going to be such a good guardian for the little guy. Does Logan know?"

"I didn't know until now Em, who told you that?" Virgil eventually managed to utter out and Emile paused. It was some police officer that oversaw Patton's care and would prefer the toddler to stay and bond with as few people as possible – and apparently Patton has already bonded with Virgil.

Patton was stood beside Virgil again and staring up at him. "Case and point." Emile giggled shyly, trying to call Patton to his side but he seemingly refused and instead just stared. "I do think you should consider it. I certainly don't regret fostering – I'd take this cutie off your hands if I wasn't managing a full house." Patton accepted his cheek squished but got even closer to Virgil and held onto his jeans. The inner therapist inside Virgil could see the toddler's hope in his eyes looking at Virgil and confusion looking at everything else. He needed a place to stay like every child did. "Oh... I know that sympathetic look in your eyes very well!"

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