Chapter 20

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"Isen." Remi reached out her hand towards him from on top of two stacked table in front of some of the windows at the Safe House. "Pass the ribbon."

She grabbed the ruby red ribbon out of his hand and then she tied it into a bow on one corner of the window frame with two red and gold ribbons entwined up to it. She moved on to the next part and Isen passed up the gold ribbon.

"You're going into so much detail," Evie exclaimed, her hands shaking excitedly, from down next to Isen. She held her hands up to her chest in loose fists. "You care about him so much."

"You don't have to help, Evie," Remi replied as she looked down pass her arm to where Evie carried the box of ribbons that Isen passed up to her. "Isen and I can do this by ourselves and I don't want to force anyone to help."

"No, it's fine," she replied, weakly smiling. "I want to help."

By now, Remi was aware that a few students stood off in the corners of the room whispering to each other about how much effort she was putting in for Blyke and not any of the other Safe House members, so she wouldn't force anyone apart from her and Isen to help decorate the room. This club was to relax away from the other stresses around the school, and you should be able to do that without helping with a party for afterschool, especially during a period time they were expected to study.

Remi smiled as she slid down off the tables at the end of the window, bending her knees as she landed, and pulled the table back down. She glanced to the other wall and then a box and walked over, Isen following behind her.

She pushed one table up against the wall and pulled the other one on top of it with the help of Isen and his ability. Then she put her foot on one edge and clambered on top. She reached down to Isen, who passed the ribbons back into her hand. The ribbons were tied into bows and then entwined in the alternating pattern on and on until the end of the wall, so that it had all repeated for each wall plus the board.

She smiled at isen once she was back on her feet on the floor just before the final bell would ring.

"Okay, everyone." She clasped her hands together near the front of the room. "So you may have guessed by now that we are throwing a surprise party for Blyke." Word had already spread fast about Blyke's new position and John's lack of one – Blyke wasn't exactly quite about it nor John when asked – and the custom banners with phrases of 'New King' and 'Congratulations' handing off walls and boards and some of the bookshelves. "He's coming into the club after his last class at the end of the school day and the bell will ring soon. I'll intercept him outside so you can get ready. Follow Isen's instruction.

Remi jumped out of her skin as the bell unexpectedly rang and she rushed through the classroom to the outside corridor. She flicked her eyes across the corridor where students rushed to their dorms and Zeke headed towards her.

"Hey." She held back a sigh and fake smiled at him. This was reoccurring every week or every fortnight (who was keeping track) at this point and she crossed her arms over her chest with a frown.

"Why are you always frowning?" he questioned, a smirk on his face.

"Why are you here?" she replied.

"Isn't you little club supposed to be welcoming to everyone?"

"You've broken the rules every time you have come in here in thirty seconds," she explained. Her ability flashed on; a surge rushed through her veins. "So, give me a reason why you aren't going to do that again."

Suddenly, a small red beam shot at Zeke and blasted through his hand. Zeke pulled his hand up to his face and stared at the hole in his flesh. Sweat trickled down his pale face.

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