Explanation of Discountination

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I mentioned why I discontinued this in chapter 35, but I'm going to go on a further explanation here.

I've mentioned in previous works that I'm autistic (and dyslexic). This is relevant because I now see that at one point 'unOrdinary' was a special interest of mine. My special interest doesn't work like the stereotypical way it works for autistic people as I don't normally just have one for my entire life. It varies by day and period of my life and I can have multiple at a time. I would normally define my special interests as books and the thing I'm getting a degree in, but with the books I read often the story and characters (fandom) can become a special interest overtime. Because of the fact that unOrdinary updates weekly, it became a special interest at varying levels throughout the past three (?) years since I first read unOrdinary. Now, I would no longer classify it as a special interest. This is just a change in myself overtime and nothing to do with the work itself.

There is a chance I may write a new fanfic in this fandom again and if I do, I would hope I would continue this fic or rewrite it to a shorter version as I do like the premise of this fanfic a lot.

Thank you for reading this fic.

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