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[The Avengers are on an aircraft heading out of Sokovia, Natasha interrupts Banner who's listening to opera with his headphones]

Natasha Romanoff: Hey, the lullaby worked better than ever.

Bruce Banner: Just wasn't expecting the Code Green.

Natasha Romanoff: If you hadn't been there, there would've been double the casualties. My best friend would've been a treasured memory.

Bruce Banner: You know, sometimes exactly what I want to hear isn't exactly what I want to hear.

Natasha Romanoff: How long before you trust me?

Bruce Banner: It's not you I don't trust.

Natasha Romanoff: Thor, report on the Hulk?

Thor: The gates of Hel are filled with the screams of his victims. [Natasha glares at Thor and Banner groans in despair] Uh, but, not the screams of the dead, of course. No no, uh...wounded screams, mainly whimpering, a great deal of complaining and tales of sprained deltoids and, and uh... and gout.

Tony Stark: Hey Banner, Dr. Cho's on her way in from Seoul, is it okay if she sets up in your lab?

Bruce Banner: Uh, yeah, she knows her way around.

Tony Stark: Thanks. [to JARVIS] Tell her to prep everything, Barton's gonna need the full treatment.

JARVIS: Very good sir.

Tony Stark: JARVIS, take the wheel.

JARVIS: Yes, sir. Approach vector is locked.

Tony Stark: [to Thor and Steve, looking at the scepter] It feels good, yeah? I mean, you've been after this thing since SHIELD collapsed. Not that I haven't enjoyed our little raiding parties, but...

Thor: No, but this... this brings it to a close.

Steve Rogers: As soon as we find out what else this has been used for. I don't just mean weapons. Since when is Strucker capable of human enhancement?

Tony Stark: Banner and I'll give it the once before it goes back to Asgard. Is that cool with you? [Thor nods his head] I mean, just a few days until the farewell party. You're staying right?

Thor: Yes, yes, of course. A victory should be honored with revels.

Tony Stark: Yeah. Who doesn't love revels. Captain?

Steve Rogers: Hopefully this puts an end to the Chitauri and HYDRA, so. Yes, revels. 

Peter - we should have a party soon, the last one was obviously eventful

Jean - yh I blew everyone up - so we need a new one to save our reputation of holding good parties.

Charles - sure, we will have one tommorow

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