(20) Someday again when the wind blows

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Yoongi loved seeing Hoseok get all shy. It was a sight to behold really. Especially when he saw him get all shy when he grabbed his hands in front of the members and pulled him to their apartment. It was a nice feeling. A very nice feeling as Yoongi liked to referred to it.

"Do you want me to do that often?" He gazed at him with intense eyes.

"What? No. Of course not. Why would you do that in front of the members?"

"Sssh, baby. Do you hear that?"

"What-" And then Hoseok heard it, Namjoon and Seokjin were very close by. "Why don't we go inside and talk yoongi-ah?"

"I think you like it hear actually." Yoongi calmly stated as his hand went up Hosoeok's shirt slowly stroking it. Hosoek felt chills because of the touch. His breath became hurried. He pulled Yoong closer and placed his lips on his.

This couple liked it risky it seemed.

Very risky.

The couple had gone far too deep into the rabbit hole. Far too deep.

There was a time when they had partaken in lewd activities right in front of the window. The members were standing right below.

For context, the members already knew that the said couple liked it that way.

So they were not very suprised when they accidentally saw them that day. Aside from poor Hoseok, it seemed as though everyone knew.

Yoongi would glare at them if they ever tried to tell him. He didn't want his activities to end so soon. Not yet.

Yoongi and Hoseok had met each other when they were teenagers under the gang. They had instantly started dating as Yoongi didn't want Hosoek to go to anyone else.

Their love was pretty vanilla.

That was until Hoseok turned twenty two.

Hoseok thought it would be hilarious if he could suprise Yoongi in a bunny outfit and well let's say he had been facing the consequences till this day.

He didn't know what happened but apparently he ignited a side of Yoongi, that he, himself, didn't know existed.

"It only exists for you." Yoongi whispered into Hosoeok's ears ever so often.

Oh well.

That was the daily life of the Sope couple.

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