(8) So I'll tell you a million tiny things that

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Taehyung remembered all the times he was forced into things without any consideration of his own will. He remembered once he had snuck into his father's study and found a book on their family history. It proudly vested upon its cover their family crest- a falcon with two swords. He had always hated it. As he flipped through the pages, he realised that every generation has just two children.

His name was not mentioned there.

It was not true, legally speaking. He had a birth certificate and everything proving him to be the third offspring of the Kims. There was a time when he doubted his identity. There was no way, true parents could ever make their own flesh and blood go through all this, he had thought. He sneaked in a cigarette bud his father had thrown and a few strands of his mother's hair for a DNA test. To his bitter luck, it was a match.

He was hoping otherwise, really. It would make coping eaiser. Life overall would become more acceptable and a purpose might introduce itself which might make him look forward to things. He was hoping that he would not be their child so he could free himself from their clutches when he reached adulthood. Go on a journey to find his real parents. Ask them for an explanation, forgive them for their mistakes and live with them happily ever after.

A foolish dream.

The truth was cruel. Soon after that incident, he had found out why the family book had only two children. It was thanks to his elder siblings' guidance. They had beaten it into him one day that the third child was not to be considered family. An experiment. A sacrifice. That's all.

And there was the other time with his mother.

Before being sent to be a mercenary at the age of fourteen, he had pleaded to her. Saying that it was unfair. He was the third, yes, but still theirs. He had done whatever they had asked of him, never complained. As his first ever time complaining, he asked for her understanding and pleaded for mercy.

"You are correct about that part, Taehyung. You are ours and you have done whatever we wanted too. But only because that's what you exist for. You must do whatever you are asked for. This is your duty. As the third child, you have that responsibility to bear. Be mindful of your words next time, Taehyung. What if your father hears?"

She had never called him lovingly.

It was amusing now. How she turned into a sweet mother for her siblings and a loyal and loving wife to his father.

A twisted family.

That's all Taehyung could think of as he stood in front of the Kim manor.

"Mr. Taehyung, it's been a long time. Welcome back." The guard greeted him. If only he could feel welcomed in this house.

The mansion was luxurious. Everyone drooled over it in envy but they failed to realise the lack of emotions the place had. It seemed as though even if the sun shined brightly or the moon sparkled its resonance, the mansion would never be able to achieve the serenity it was supposed to because of the people living in it.

As Taehyung held Jungkook's hand in the car, he felt reassured once more.

There is nothing to be afraid of.

As Taehyung and Jungkook entered the mansion, Taehyung again remembered his past. With each and every step he took, he remembered. It was worthless. He had thought once. Living. Simply worthless. Just the thought of the memory makes him shudder. He has tried to jump off of the very same roof of the mansion. Would it be a painless ending, he had questioned himself several times.

As he stood there, looking forward to ending everything. Looking beneath him. For some reason, the garden which had always haunted him. His siblings' beatings and criticisms, he choked as he remembered them. It looked at rest, like it had been waiting for Taehyung to give up. To let himself finally go. To let himself surrender to the mansion.

To the house.

To his fate.

To his family.

Taehyung had felt anger. Inexplicable anger.


Not today.

He had decided not to run away.

So, he will not run away. Taehyung clutched Jungkook's hand more firmly and entered the mansion.

Faint sound of laughter, the teacups being put down, orders to the servants for more tea could be heard. Soon, things became clear, Uncle Yohan had come visit.

He sat the way he always did, his legs crossed with dignity. He held his head high. Despite being his age, he looked threatening. His eyes displayed the message that he was clearly in control.

The same could be said for Kim Tanji, his father. Except he liked his hair black. Smirk plastered, as if he was playing a child's game. Life was nothing special for the Kims. It was perishable. His mother, Kim Seolmi, sat with poise. Her indigo dress enhanced her mature beauty. Her wavy curls lay perfectly. Her eyes betrayed her though. Boredom. They showed infinite boredom in them. She was clearly done with the situation. What's more is that her lips, that were a heavy shade of red, twitched in annoyance even as she smiled.

Finally, Kim Jeolsi, his sister. The ultimate scum, Taehyung liked to call her. If anyone came up with the idea of killing Kim Jeoljo before Kim Taehyung, it was probably her. The heir position, now, was in her grasp. So, she sat there relaxed and displayed her usual arrogance in every single movement she made. She was the one laughing at every little thing Uncle Yohan was saying.


Taehyung stepped forward to greet them.

"It's been a long time everyone. I'm glad to see you."

"Oh my son, it's been so long. Where have you been? We've been looking for you all over! You know how shocked I was when I heard about the little mischief you did in prison. A government establishment no less!" His mother exclaimed with a smile.

"Our Taehyung, Yohan, was never like this. What did you make him do at your firm that he has turned out like this?" Tanji asked Yohan.

"Not my fault, brother. He must be in his rebellious phase."

"He'll come around. Wouldn't you, Taehyung?"

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