(18) Like the first snow of midsummer night

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Extra 2

Jimin had been single for the longest time now. His last breakup wasn't exactly pleasant. I mean you wouldn't call it pleasant after your ex betrays you and your whole gang for information and you had to shoot him because of it.

He had killed people before. It was always eaiser if there were no emotions attached to that kind of task. Do it as if you were a machine. Simple.

But that day, he couldn't be a machine. A man he had spent so much time with. A man who knew everything about him. A man who Jimin knew everything about. Even if it was all a lie, Jimin knew there was something real there.

When he saw the same man kneeling in front of him, head down, waiting for his death, he had hesitated for the first time in his life. He couldn't do it. He couldn't.

The man pulled Jimin's gun towards his head by his very own hands.

"If it's by you, I welcome it Jimin-ah." He clamly said. The man had talked about death with so much love, Jimin just couldn't. Why couldn't the world just leave him alone somewhere? Give him a break?

The man placed his own hands on the trigger, soothingly telling jimin it was fine. Kill him. Just kill him. And jimin did exactly that.

He pulled the trigger.

With that came an emotion backlash Jimin could have never imagined.

Either way after talking to Taehyung about it a couple of times he decided to give it another shot. Once again, he was willing to make himself vulnerable. Just once.

The guy he was meeting today arrived inside the cafe. He had simple tee and jean on, but they complimented his figure well. He had a smile on his face. And his body. Jimin liked it. His body. Just wow.

He introduced himself as Jackson Wang.

The rest of the story the author was too lazy to write, but if the readers demand the author might just write a couple of extras at the end of this story about this couple. Though the author does trust the readers' imagination and that it would compliment their love story very well.

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