(2) It always comes around as I believed

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Lotus Hotel
Somewhere in Seoul

"This is Agent White Tiger reporting, I have acquired the required documents. I repeat I have aquired the required documents. I will be departing back to base in two days according to schedule."

"This is headquaters. Messaged received. You may proceed as planned. We hope to see you back soon with positive results."

"You will."

Taehyung ended the call and laid in his bed of a small hotel. He sighed, another mission over successfully. He closed his eyes.

Three hours later

The next time Taehyung woke up, he heard alarms blaring through the entire hotel. He opened the door in perplexion and found people running frantically.

"Excuse me sir, what happened here?" He asked a random stranger among the crowd.

"There has been a huge fire in the kitchen. It's spreading quickly. We have to get out of here to safely! Young man, hurry up!"

Taehyung took some basic supplies and joined the frantic crowd. As soon he exited the building, he was on high alarm mode because something felt off. Especially the way the officers kept eyeing him.

"It's him officer! Him!" A lady with a mask spoke. She kept pointing at Taehyung.

Taehyung was going to make a run for it but he found himself surrounded by numerous police officers. Fifteen armed officers. He held his hands above his head and opened his fists in surrender. The officers put handcuffs on him.

"Kim Taehyung, you are arrested for the murder of Kim Jeoljo." They continued to read him his rights. Taehyung, for the first time in a long time, felt panic rise up his chest. He was part of a dangerous profession. He has been in war zones, hell, he has even been close to death's door so many times but he never felt panic. He never let himself feel it. It was better that way. Easier that way. But he couldn't this time. Because Kim Jeoljo was the name of his biological brother.

And what? I killed him?

He turned his face towards the lady who had pointed towards him. She had a smirk on her face as she pulled her mask down and all the blood drained down Taehyung's face. It was his mother. Kim Seolmi. The incarnation of the devil.

Taehyung's family could be considered 'normal' from the outside perspective but in reality, they were all cold blooded snakes.

He hated them all with passion.

He was soon transferred to a prison before his trial could take place. There was no interrogation, which Taehyung found odd. They also weren't giving him any details. He asked to place some calls, but they kept denying him. Luckily since this was a just a temporary measure before his trial, the officers hadn't searched him throughily enough. He reached for his shoes and took out a micro chip that was placed in it and broke it. The chip was made to immediately alarm the headquarters and would also inform them of his location.

He could only wait now.

A few days passed and soon he was called to court. As he entered, he saw them- his family. Kim Seolmi- his mother, Kim Tanji- his father and Kim Jeolsi- his sister. They all had tears streaming down their faces and they kept chanting 'our Kim Jeoljo'.

Yeah right, like they would actually be sad at somebody's death, even if it's their son.

Truth be told even he wasn't sad. Kim Jeoljo, if he was really dead, then he probably deserved it.

"The judge is entering." Everyone stood up to show respect.

"We will now begin the trial of defeandent Kim Taehyung for the murder of his brother Kim Jeoljo."

"I hereby give life in prison without the possibilty of parole to Kim Taehyung as he is proven guilty of the gruesome murder of his brother Kim Jeoljo. Not only does all the evidence point towards him, he also showed no remorse and refused to give his statement furthering his guilt in the eyes of the law. "

Taehyung sat in the van, his feet and hands both cuffed as he remembered the series of events that took place the day before. He remembered the faces of his so called family. And boy, did they look happy. They framed him successfully, huh?

His family was like that. Coming from generations of assassins, it was only natural that nobody held emotions. Ever since you were little you were trained to let go of them, but Taehyung couldn't adapt so when his uncle Yohan, the director of Tiger intelligence firm invited him to work for him. He happily left everything behind, especially his job as a mercenary that his parents had gotten for him. How thoughtful of them indeed!

He arrived at his new 'home'. Life was really unpredictable huh? Who would have thought he - The White Tiger- would end up in prison and that too for life. Let's hope the HQ received his message and any damn minute now, he wanted to be out of this mess. Till then, let's lay low, he decided. Him being an agent was supposed to be a secret, revealing his skills or any other information would be a breach of contract and Taehyung was a trained professional, he knew better than to break contracts.

His uncle might be the nicest person in his family that helped him but throughout his training he learnt for the better. Never make uncle angry.

After an inspection, he was brought in front of his cell.

"Inmate number 707- Kim taehyung, this is your cell. Your cellmate is inmate number 689- Jeon Jungkook. Remember the instructions I told you before. There is a daily morning routine before you shower and have breakfast and everyone will be assigned separate duties, understand? Be vigilant and we will go easy on you." The guard smirked. "Anyway, Jungkook don't kill him too. I can't even remember how many inmates he has stabbed until now. What a headache."

Taehyung entered his cell, it was small with a bunk bed, a basin, toilet and a little table. His cellmate was seated in the lower bed. Taehyung, immediately noticed how well built he was and without realising he kept staring trying to anaylse the person before him as he was trained. Well, one of the conclusions he came to was that this person was probably an amazing fighter but that's besides the point, because he soon turned his head towards Taehyung.

With an angry frown, Jungkook remarked, "Hey, are you going to stay there for the whole night? Just don't annoy me and I won't do anything."

Taehyung was not planning to pick any fights either. He climbed to the upper bunk bed immediately and thought about his path ahead.

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