(10) And I'll tell you a million little reasons

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Pure chaos.

That's what happened as soon as Taehyung and Jungkook stepped inside their car. Their laughter couldn't be stopped.

Taehyung tried to speak up. "You, Jungkook, what did you call him? Father?" He burst out in another fit of laughter.

"Oh, you are telling me? You told them we were married." Jungkook almost had tears in his eyes from laughing so hard.

"Well, you started the whole wife thing. I just added what I felt necessary."

"Liar, you were enjoying it, weren't you?"


"So, you don't mind getting married?" They both went quite for sometime.


And they both burst into another fit of laughter.

"Seems like everything went well, Boss." The driver asked seeing the coupe so happy and delighted.

"Of course, Insuk. Bombs were blasted. It was awesome."

"You were right about them letting you go." Taehyung spoke.

"Yeah, the Kims are influential but the Jeons rule all of Asia. They wouldn't harm me even if they wanted to."

"Hmm....I thought I had to use my secret connections to get out of that house."

"Secret connections?"

"Yeah, when I was working as a spy, I had already decided on revenge. So, I have been building my own network within the Kims."

"Is this related to what you told me you had to do today?"

"Yes, Kookie."

"............. Either way, you are to be our future son-in-law, so would you like to have some tea?" Tanji asked.

"Yes, father, I would like that." Jungkook stated.

"Dear, Jeolsi is quite tired, I would like to take her to her room. She needs rest."

"Sure. Do as you please." Seolmi took Jeolsi's arm and slightly dragged her upstairs. Jeolsi was fumin with anger.

Taehyung sat down with Jungkook. Soon, the other two adults also seated themselves. Tea was served by the servants and no words were spoken.

"Do you want some more tea?" A servant asked Taehyung. Taehyung knew this servant very well. Sangho. His childhood friend. The only console in his life here. He had introduced Taehyung to the real world which was bright and filled with joy. There was love and warmth. Moreover trust. Something the Kims would never teach him.

Sangho wanted to accompany Taehyung when he was called on to be a mercenary. But Taehyung wouldn't do that. Not to his only friend. He wouldn't.

Sangho on the other hand, couldn't sit still, so he decided to be part of Taehyung's secret network.

As he poured tea for Taehyung, he felt in his hands a chip. That's all he needed. He knew what to do from here.

"Isn't it about time, you go back with your husband to his house? Honestly, son-in-law, I would kept my son here if he hadn't told me this suprising news. Keep him safe. Our Taehyung is precious, isn't he Yohan?"

"Yes, brother."

"Ah, I see, that's what it was. I thought he was trying to make move on you or something. I thought I would have to beat him up or something." Jungko chuckled.

"Yeah, no. He's my childhood friend and trustworthy comarade, okay?"

"Okay. Okay."

It had been an hour since they had been on the road. Taehyung and Jungkook could still be heard giggling. Insuk smiled at the two. He had been serving the Jeons since the last fifteen years. Never had he ever seen Master Jungkook this happy.

But something else had been bugging him for a while now. A black car had been following them. It was getting increasingly suspicious.

"Master Jungkook?"

"Yes, Insuk, what is the matter?" Jungkook looked up. They had been on a laughing marathon. His stomach had started to hurt and his cheeks felt swollen. It hurt but they just couldn't stop laughing at each others silly jokes and antics.

"Sir, I think someone is following us. The black car behind us is very suspicious. It has been behind us for the past half an hour." Insuk's concern was clearly visible in his voice.

"Well, you know what to do Insuk." Jungkook reminded Insuk of his job in a situation like this.

"Yes, sir." Insuk sped up and thus, began a speedy chase. Insuk was quite used to these encounters. It was not the first time and he very well knew it won't be the last. As he stepped on the accelerator, he saw the car behind him turn on a fork.


"Sir, it just left." Just as Insuk had said those words, he realised he had messed up. They were on an isolated road with no other cars. The pursuer had wanted them here.

"So, they came prepared, huh?" Jungkook simply stated. They soon saw the same car in front of them. It stopped and two people came out it. "It will take more than two to get rid of me." He said jokingly. What he failed to notice was the quiet Taehyung who was shocked at the turn of events.

"Jungkook, those aren't just two people, they can be considered as a whole army."


"Yeah those are the other two SS-Rank agents at our firm. Agent Red Tiger and Agent Yellow Tiger." They both were notorious in the firm for their skills. Agent Red Tiger was a tall, lean man with brown hair. His eyes were always in a set gaze as if analysing everything and everyone. He had with him his favourite weapon- a knife, which he was an expert in handling. No one could beat him in an one on one fight with a knife.

Agent Yellow Tiger is quite the opposite. Meak looking but if looked closely his body was quite well built. His speciality was discretion but nobody dared to ask for a duel because the only time that happened, his opponent was ripped to shreds. His nickname was the human shredder. He was clearly not right in the head but why would the firm care? They only care for the job to done and over with.

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