(9) You have never known; It all gets tangled up inside

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"He'll come around. Wouldn't you, Taehyung?" His sister giggled a little and turned towards him. Her eyes widened as she finally noticed another presence. A presence she was very well familiar with. "Jeon Jungkook?"

"Ah, I forgot to introduce my acquaintance, this is Jeon Jungkook. Do you know him sister?" Taehyung calmly questioned.

"People never learn, didn't I tell you this the other day mother."

"My daughter, no need to worry. We'll make them learn one way or the other than."

"I don't recall ever meeting Taehyung's family much less you, Miss Jeolsi." Jungkook looked straight at his sister, clearly annoyed by the disrespect shown towards his boyfriend.

"You might not know yet, Jungkook. Mr. Jeon is so forgetful sometimes, isn't he mother?" Jeolsi snickered.

"Ah, yes, dear. Mr. Jungkook, haven't your father told you about your engagement with my daughter over here. She was very delighted when she found the news."

"Oh, yes. I see her lost in her thoughts quite often nowadays." Tanji added.

"Young love." With Yohan's comment, they all burst into laughter. Taehyung turned towards Jungkook, who had a confused look on his face.

Jungkook gathered himself, trying to contain his anger.

"Wouldn't you ask your future son-in-law to take a seat?"

"Oh, how rude of us! Of course, come dear, sit. Here, right next your future wife." Seolmi responded with her fake smile. Her crooked smile didn't make anything better. Taehyung, on the other hand, was in internal panic. His worst nightmare was about to come true.

He believed in Jungkook, but was he wrong to do so? Was this all planned by his family? To break him more? To limit his freedom? He didn't understand. If it was Kim Jeolsi, maybe she could torture him like this. Yeah, maybe she could. But, but, what about everything they had shared? Was it all lie?

No, Taehyung, it was not.

Taehyung looked over at Jungkook and all his worries were proven to be useless as Jungkook held his hand and pulled both of them towards the sofa. They both sat on the empty one opposite to the Tanji and Seolmi were sitting on. They both visibly flinched but hid their displeasure and ill intentions quite well.

"What are doing Mr. Jungkook?" Tanji asked him.

"Sitting with my future wife."

Taehyung blushed but kept his eyes straight at his parents.

"Maybe there has been some misunderstanding. Right, dear?" This time Seolmi asked with a straight face, she probably couldn't contain her annoyance anymore.

"No, Mrs. Kim. I was quite clear. Kim Taehyung is my future husband and my current fiancé. I didn't have anyone else in my mind. It is you who seems to have some sort of misunderstanding here." Jeolsi's face darkened. She gripped her hands on the sofa. Lips pursed. In agitation, she was about to burst, when Yohan beat her to it.

"What do you mean? I had a talk with Mr. Jeon. We clearly had a reasonable agreement. Are you going against your elders, now? Son..." He looked over to Taehyung, " You would not, right? You would disappoint your poor uncle over here."

"Uncle, but you didn't think twice before abandoning me." He looked up to them with a smirk. "Besides, I had not received any instructions regarding this, so I did what I thought was appropriate."

Everyone looked at him in shock. Jungkook was just proud. His Taehyung was shining brightly.

"I mean, look at him, perfect. I thought that mother and father and especially, you, uncle, would be proud to have brought such an eligible partner. I had no idea sister was planning on the engagement." He looked at her with worry and sadness. "If I had been informed, I wouldn't have. I would have backed out but it has gone too far, now, right Jungkook?"

Jungkook played along and nodded his head in a worrisome yes.

"What do you mean?" Yohan finally asked after recovering from Taehyung's little performance.

"Oh, you see, uncle.....father.....mother, we are already married."

"What?!" They all stood up.

"What nonsense are you spouting?" Jeolsi yelled. She approached Taehyung but backed down after seeing her brother's gaze. He was not weak anymore. He will not submit anymore. He was more than capable of destroying everyone here.

Their little experiment. Their little sacrifice, he had now turned into a lethal weapon. A weapon with emotions.

Jeolsi gritted her teeth.

"We had decided not to tell you, since as you can see it's quite the shocking news. But after seeing my sister so stressed about this issue, I couldn't just keep it to myself. I'm sorry Jungkook-ah, I went against what we had decided." Taehyung turned towards Jungkook with puppy eyes close to sobbing.

"Sshhh, sshh, baby, it's fine. Mistakes happen. We are all human over here. I'm sure our family would understand." Jungkook hugged Taehyung and looked up at the Kims. "Right, mother, father, uncle, sister, you will forgive our silly mistake? Wouldn't you? I feel so very ashamed to have done this. Don't blame Taehyung, it's my fault." He slowly stated, looking at each memeber of the Kim family in the eye. There was no remorse in his eyes, he looked straight with his piercing gaze.

"We shall discuss it with Mr. Jeon and see where we will go on from here. Either way, you are to be our future son-in-law, so would you like to have some tea?" Tanji asked. His lips were in a line and mind probably in a huge mess.

"Yes, father, I would like that." Jungkook stated.

Teahyung was wheezing inside.

What? Father? I love life.

Seolmi straightened herself and turned towards Tanji. "Dear, Jeolsi is quite tired, I would like to take her to her room. She needs rest."

"Sure. Do as you please." She took Jeolsi's arm and slightly dragged her upstairs. Jeolsi was fuming with anger.

Taehyung sat down with Jungkook. Soon, the other two adults also seated themselves. Tea was served by the servants and no words were spoken.

Twenty minutes passed by just like that.

"Isn't it about time, you go back with your husband to his house? Honestly, son-in-law, I would have kept my son here if he hadn't told me this suprising news. Keep him safe. Our Taehyung is precious, isn't he Yohan?"

"Yes, brother."

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