Chapter 17 (Epilogue)

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Hey loves!

This is it *sniffles* This is the last chapter of Tuica!

Warning: Graphic(ish) home birth.

I hope you enjoyed the story as much as I did writing it! I haven't decided if I will continue it or not, my in the future, who knows! If you enjoyed this fic, please hop on over and check out Whiskey; I am currently working on the second installment for that, and I am also working on an AU fic called Small Town USA.

Again thank you so much!

Jesse_Winter_Soldier , we did! Another one down! Thank you for beta reading for me! I appreciate you 110%


Three years later....

The sunlight poured into the room; Bucky yawned and stretched, feeling the silky sheets against his skin. Rolling over, he smiled, letting his eyes roam over his beautiful wife. After two years of being married to this beautiful, intelligent woman, he struggles, realizing it wasn't a dream.

Her red hair splayed out on their sage green sheets, her thick lashes resting on her high cheekbones, plump pink lips parted. She had a body pillow molded to her, cradling her swollen belly.  Her shirt rucked up a bit, exposing her cute belly button, hand protectively laying across her bump; Bucky's heart soared. He leaned over, planting a gentle kiss on her cheek before leaning down and whispering to their unborn son.

"I love you." he kissed her belly, "Be good for your Mommy today son."

He wasn't thankful for the training from Hydra most days, but on a morning like this, when he was sneaking out of the bedroom not to disturb his wife, he was thankful. Rori was in the final month of her pregnancy; Shuri said it could be any day now.  He was hoping any day now would wait until next week when Steve was supposed to visit so that they wouldn't worry about Winnie.

Slipping into the bathroom, he washed his face and brushed his teeth. He ran his hands through his short hair; it was more manageable now. He eyed the black and gold vibranium prosthetic; he wasn't sure he wanted it to begin with but being a father, he decided it was probably a good idea.

Once he was dressed for the day, Bucky walked across the hall to the purple door with glitter butterflies painted on it. He cracked the door; Winnie slept soundly in her bed, chestnut curls everywhere, her little lips parted with little snores; he smiled. Closing the door, he headed downstairs. Starting the coffee pot, he got to work on prepping breakfast; pancakes, sausage, and fruit. Simultaneously making Winnie's lunch and snacks, he couldn't believe she was in kindergarten already. He packed the lunch into her Captain America lunchbox.

He was making his way upstairs again, opening the purple door with the butterflies to quietly walk in and crouch down next to his sleeping daughter, gently brushing her curls. He placed a kiss on her cheek.

"Winnie.", he spoke softly, "Time to get up, sweetie." He rubbed her back.

She groaned, "Daddy, I don't wanna.", she whined.

Bucky chuckled, "I made pancakes and sausage; there are some sliced strawberries too." He watched her open an eye, looking over at him. "I can put chocolate chips in the pancakes too."

Winnie popped up, causing Bucky to chuckle. He laid out her clothes and then went back downstairs.

After the griddle was hot and greased up, Bucky carefully poured the batter onto the hot surface. Dropping chocolate chips into the first two, he placed sausage on next. By this time, Winnie had come bouncing down the steps with a big smile, wearing her favorite purple sundress.

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