Chapter 14(One)

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Hey loves!

Warning from the last chapter carries over into this one, if you can't tell I strongly dislike Thaddeus Ross lol.

Thank you, Jesse_Winter_Soldier I can't thank you enough for going on this journey with me and beta reading all my craziness!

All mistakes are my own!


Two weeks later....

Since refusing to corporate with Ross and medical, Rori was confined to her cell. She was still receiving three meals a day, though it did nothing for her hunger. She was given clothes and allowed shower privileges with a female soldier for company. A few days ago, she had noticed in the shower that her body seemed off. Concealing as much as she could, she did her best to stay covered with the oversized hoodie she was provided.

Rori was informed yesterday that she would be transferred to the Raft this afternoon, playing over her last interaction with Ross in her head.

This morning, she was collected before breakfast, escorted by her usual guard, Private Benjamin Thatch. He was very kind to her, always addressed her as ma'am, never touched her without her consent. He had been with her when the doctor had tried to claim her mentally unstable, quickly removing her from that situation. She was thankful for that.

"Ma'am," Thatch said, opening the door for her.

She nodded. "Thank you, Ben.", she said lowly.

She took her usual seat at the table and waited thirty minutes for Secretary Ross.

He walked into the room like a hurricane in an expensive navy suit smelling like leather. It made Rori nauseous; he sat down a bag from McDonald's and a large orange juice.

"Go on.", he said, taking a sip from his large Starbucks cup, "Private Thatch said you had a hankering for McGriddles." He pulled the bag towards him, pulling out four sandwiches.

The smell of pancakes, sweet syrup, and sausage made her drool. He reached for one of the sandwiches, unwrapping it, he took a bite.

"It's not poisoned, Doctor Harris.", he said, swallowing.

Rori took one of the sandwiches. Unwrapping it, she bit into the fluffy pancaky goodness. Ross placed a straw in the orange juice as he slid it over to her. She picked it up, taking a big drink; she hummed happily.

"You know, my wife craved the strangest things when pregnant with my daughter Betty.", he said, wiping his mouth with a napkin.

And just like that, her breakfast turned to sawdust in her mouth.

He sat back, watching her as she placed the sandwich on the wrapper; wiping her mouth, she sat back.

"I said it before, and I will repeat it; I have no idea where they are." She spoke slowly, trying to will what little she ate to stay down. "I can say it in six languages and slower if need be.", she sassed.

Ross flew up, flinging the table and the contents on the floor and wall. Thatch stepped towards them; he never moved from his post.

"Sir.", he said in a warning tone.

Ross stepped back, pacing the floor in front of Rori; he looked like a caged beast ready to devour his prey.

He walked towards the door, stopping, then in a few strides, he was in her face gripping her jaw roughly. "I hope you have enjoyed our time together, doctor, because you will be transported to the Raft this afternoon." He let go of her.

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