Chapter Four (Bucharest)

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Hey loves! Once again, I want to point out that I do not use translations again because I don't want to mess it up or have anything lost in translations. Thank you, Jesse_Winter_Soldier for beta reading Tuica for me! You are a true peach!


Six months later

Bucharest Romania

A cool morning breeze blew through the busy marketplace; vendors opened their stands, some already open and active. They were selling various fresh baked goods, fruits and vegetables, hand-made blankets, clothes, and trinkets. Bucky weaved slowly through the stands taking it all in, stopping at the same fruit stand he visited every Saturday since arriving in Budapest. Chestnut hair curtains around his face as he pulled his ball cap down.

"Plums again, Jamie?"

Bucky smiled at the elderly woman Mrs. Elena, "Always, you have the best in the market."

Elena smiled warmly at him, her silver hair peeking around the light blue scarf over her head, matching her dress as usual. She waved off his comment; Elena has always been so kind to him since he started coming around. The only sense of normalcy he has had was coming here every Saturday.

Looking at the plump juicy plums, he handled the fruit with care. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed her. She was here almost every Saturday; he never spoke to her. She was picking out some blueberries, her naturally red hair braided and tossed over her shoulder. She had the prettiest shade of blue eyes he had ever seen; they reminded him of sapphires. They never spoke. She was always buying fruit; a few times, he had noticed she brought jars of jelly and jams with her for Elena. She smiled at him as she slid by, paying for her berries; she gave him another warm smile which he returned before she ducked out.

The elderly woman laughed, "Always the charmer, you should expand your choice of fruits." She held up a large juicy orange. "Maybe ask that girl out; I think she likes you."

Bucky laughed, shaking his head, "Just the plums Mrs. Elena." He placed five plums on the small counter, digging in his pocket for money. "And you know you're my best girl."

She waved him off, "On the house," she placed the plums in a bag, "for my best customer."

Bucky shook his head gently and reached forward to catch the older woman's hand; he pressed the money into her palm. "Take it, please." He gave her a warm smile.

Elena smiled at him, "You take care of yourself, Jamie."

"I'll see you next week." He ducked out with a wink.

He stopped at the booth selling fresh baked goods, purchasing some peach rugelach from a kind older man. Turning to leave the market, he bumped into someone, knocking the bag of plums and the box of pastries from his hand. He looked down to see the flustered redhead from Elena's.

"Oh, I am so sorry!" she spoke, crouching down to gather her dropped items.

"It's alright." He smiled, handing her the bag of blueberries she had purchased earlier.

She blushed, holding out her hand, "Rori."

His hand was massive compared to hers. "Jamie."

She tucked a piece of her red hair behind her ear. "It was nice to meet you, Jamie, officially." She smiled at him, slowly backing away. "See you next week." She slipped into the crowd.

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