Chapter 10 - Mr. Big

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Nick Wilde's POV;

Kevin and Ramen held me against my will.

I was indeed inside of the enormous house.

The two polar bears are watching. Probably making sure that I won't escape.

I was about to meet Mr. Big. I have no wonder that Mr. Big is a small possum. Mr. Big was all dressed in his fancy black tuxedo. My guess is that he was celebrating for the special occasion.

I effort my best to clarify about my predicament. I was nervous. "Sir, if I may?" I inquired.

The possum offers his right hand to me.

I was puzzled.

Kevin tapped me on my left shoulder. Boy, was he serious. "Mr. Big wants you to kiss his hand." Kevin told me.

I was definite. "Oh right." I said.

I touched the possum's right hand. I gently kissed it.

I was unease.

Mr. Big was emotionless yet quizzical. "You want to know why you're here? Why I was expecting you? On my daughter's wedding day?" The possum asked me.

That's a lot of questions from Mr. Big.

I was feeling awful of myself. I was frank to the possum. I gestured a lot of things to him. "Sir, I'm investigating one of the twelve missing mammals. Mayor Lionhart assigned me to find one of them. I have no idea why I'm here. I have no clue why you're expecting me. Or even know about your daughter's wedding. I don't mean to trespass the limousine. I'm looking for Emmitt Otterton. Honestly." I admitted.

Mr. Big moans. The possum was perplexed. "So you know this mayor of Zootopia." Mr. Big mentioned.

I nodded my head twice. "Since I became a police officer at the Zootopia Police Academy." I confirmed.

The possum seems alerted. "It's a good thing I send Ramen and Kevin to look for you." Mr. Big said.

I was surprised. "Wait, you know Emmitt Otterton?" I asked.

The possum was so sure. "He's my florist." Mr. Big added, answering. "And we may have information about the missing mammal you're searching for." The possum told me.

I was dreading. "Please tell me. I can't disappoint the city." I begged.

Mr. Big sighed. The possum doesn't appear to be glad to say something.

Ramen shifted himself to my left.

I faced the polar bear.

Ramen was peeved. "The mayor of Zootopia was bad news." The polar bear tells me.

By bad news, meaning Mayor Lionhart was the true culprit of the twelve missing mammals.

I was wide-eyed. Then, I was triggered. "Seriously?!" I exclaimed.

How could the lion? The mayor of Zootopia would DO such a thing?!

Mr. Big was solemn. "Mayor Lionhart sets up the ZPD. I hired my boys to track that lion down." The possum aforementioned.

I was stern. "What did the mayor want with the twelve missing mammals?" I wondered.

Mr. Big was puzzled. "Have you see his little lamb?" The possum inquires.

Bellweather, too?! What is Mayor Lionhart and his lamb assistant really doing?! I don't stop wondering.

Then, I was disbelieved. "Bellweather...The lion and the lamb are working together...One of them nabbed the otter..." I guessed.

Mr. Big points me out. "Mayor Lionhart kidnapped the twelve mammals..." the possum clarified.

I shrugged. I was mad. "Any idea why?" I added, inquiring. I was so resolute. "Because it seems to me that the lion's getting me to join the dark side. I'm too good to be a bad guy. I might tell you that." I uttered.

Mr. Big and I are on the same concept. The possum was glad. "As much as I appreciate your common sense." Mr. Big added. The possum gestured. "This is a two-animal-job of a task that you cannot refuse, Officer." Mr. Big stated.

A two-animal-job huh?

I thought deeply. Then, I smiled mischievously.

I got an animal I have in mind. I was confident. "I know someone who can help build a world a better place, sir." I added, declaring. "I met a bunny named Judy Hopps." I said.

Next part soon!

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