Chapter 4 - Around the Bunny Burrows

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Note: Nick Wilde's POV

Nick Wilde's POV;

I was in someplace else.

It's been a week since I was at the Zootopia Police Academy.

I tried again on the tires and logs jumping. I pretend to hop like a bunny.

Major Friedkin was baffled. Yet, she's okay about my technique.

I hopped like a bunny on the logs.

I hopped like a bunny on the tires.

Boy, I was getting laughed at.

I'm not sure that was making fun of me. Or even chuckling with me.

Major Friedkin suggested that I should take a walk.

I accepted her decision.

So where did I go on my scroll?

My stomach yells at me. So, I went to the small farming shop by the roadside.

That was in Bunny Burrows.

I detected the gray bunny in her pink top and denim pants. She was wrapping up her carrots in the leftover newspapers. Probably yesterday's paper.

The cute little gray bunny was cheerful to her customer. "There you are." She added. The gray bunny was handing the covered carrots to her friendly consumer. "Thank you for coming!" She exclaims. The gray bunny waves a goodbye to her customer.

The delighted animal was pleased. It waved a farewell back at her.

For what I don't know as I pass by the shopper...

The animal who purchased the carrots is a light brown rabbit. I have no idea of it.

The customer takes one look at me. The light brown rabbit just smiles awkwardly at me.

So I smiled back politely.

What is with bunnies and rabbits getting nervous over a fox?

Well, I approached the farming shop.

I was being happy for no reason to the gray bunny. "Hey, Miss Bunny?" I added, wondering. She takes her detection at me. The gray bunny has her eyes widened. Now, I have no clue she's scared of me. "Mind if I ask about your-"

The gray bunny was freaking out at me. "Fox!" She shouted.

I do not anticipated that.

The gray bunny was trying to pull something out of her pocket.

I made my efforts to calm her down. "Wait-wait a minute, Carrots!" I exclaimed.

Then for a moment, I got tasered at from her. Man, I was zapping in seconds. And finally, I collapsed. I am conscious yet frustrated. I shrugged at her. "Ow! Hey! I just wanted to ask you about your farming food!" I argued.

She was overwhelmed. Guess the gray bunny recognized what she did to me. "Oo! I'm so sorry!" The gray bunny added, apologizing to me. "I do have some instincts to protect myself from predators." She uttered.

I was offended. Seriously, Carrots? "You thought I was a predator to you?!" I inquired loudly.

The gray bunny expresses herself a guilty face. Huh, is she a ridiculous little gray bunny. "Yeah...And I am myself as prey..." she added, shrugging. "Which is kinda a big deal here..." the gray bunny said.

I steadied myself up from the ground. I brushed myself off from the grass and dirt. I might have give her a sass treatment. "In case you forget, dumb bunny...predators and preys lived in harmony together at Zootopia..." I mentioned.

She was aggravated. "I am not a dumb bunny..." The gray bunny complains.

I sighed. I stayed calmer than she was. I was cooled as a cucumber. "Okay...I see you're not a happy camper when it comes to foxes..." I added. I was quizzically confident. "Before I get out of your way, do you have any blueberries, miss...?" I asked.

Neither of us have introduced ourselves earlier.

She was on guard over me. Boy, isn't that gray bunny annoyed. "Judy." She replied.

I had to reconsider about her name. Then, I was going for her nickname I made for the gray bunny. "Actually, Carrots sounds better to me..." I said.

Wow, I made her mad. She crisscrosses her arms. Then, I can hear her left foot making fast noises.

I chuckled at her. "You know your left foot's thumping, right?" I wondered.

Carrots halts herself. I guess she noticed. Carrots was taking deep breaths. She was delightful yet frustrated with me. "Just blueberries, sir?" Carrots asks.

I smiled like a cute dog. I nodded my head thrice times.

She goes to her farming stand. Carrots was searching for my product. She was really not thrilled about foxes. "I thought you foxes would do cunning goals. Like selling popsicles illegally or something." Carrots believes.

I shook my head. "Nah." I added. I was eccentric. "I'm just a good-deeder who's about to become the cop at ZPD." I declared.

She stands up straight. Her long gray ears are elevating. I can see Carrots was surprised about me. "ZPD?! As in...Zootopia Police Department?!" She inquired in exclamation.

I gave her a thumbs up by my right paw. "That's the one!" I exclaimed.

Carrots finds the basketful of blueberries. She packs it up for me. I could have notice her getting envy over me. Carrots smiled. "You're so lucky!" She exclaims.

I raised my eyebrow at her. "Do I see jealousy here?" I wondered.

Carrots laughs at herself. "Okay, I do want to help everyone to build a world a better place." She admitted.

I get it. So, I kinda have a thought about her. "So you do a family business than your dream, Carrots?" I asked again.

Boy, was she really getting caught for the idea. Carrots was honest with me. "Yeah...It's just to play safe from bigger animals and all..." she answers.

I nodded my head. "Gotcha." I added. I was being hysterically laughing. "It would clarify the taser you gave me earlier." I stated.

Carrots was chuckling with me. She finished packing the blueberries. Carrots gives it to me. "Sorry about that, mister...?" She wonders.

It was my turn for introducing myself. "Just call me Nick." I added, replying. I took my blueberries from her. Man, I sounded funny. "How's Officer Nick Wilde once I'm a cop soon sounds to ya, huh Carrots?" I asked.

She smiles at me. Carrots was laughing. "Sounds good, Nick." She answered.

I smiled back at her.

I paid her for my blueberries. I was eating a couple blueberries at a time. I was on the way back to the police academy.

Major Friedkin was right about one thing. I have to try better on my training. So I was ready to try everything to get to be a ZPD cop.

Next part soon!

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