Chapter 7 - Nick Wilde's First Case 1 of 3

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Note: Nick Wilde's POV

Nick Wilde's POV;

I have not seen Ben so alarmed over my case file.

"An otter?!" The cheetah guesses in exclamation.

I nodded my head. I was still disbelieved. "Yeah. Sadly, when I searched in the case file I have from the chief, all I got is one picture." I added. "ONE. PICTURE." I aforesaid.

Ben was still astonished. "What?! Only one?!" The cheetah exclaims.

I shrugged. "Right?!" I exclaimed.

"You're not even in the system yet!" Ben pointed me out.

I raised my eyebrow at the cheetah. "Is that all?" I asked.

Ben nodded his head. "Yeah." The cheetah added. "This is your first day of the job." Ben answered.

I was peeved yet cheery. "Well aren't you a bundle of joy..." I said.

The cheetah had to go wondering. "Do you need an advice, Nick?" Ben inquired.

I sighed. "I could use one now." I added, replying. I did meant it to the cheetah. "The mayor's depending on me, Ben." I urged.

The cheetah was glad to tell me his advice. "All right. Look closer to the picture in your case file." Ben added, gesturing me out. "If you find something, you might get a lead. Who knows." The cheetah suggested.

I considered for awhile. I recognized what Ben told me. I was enthusiastic. "I may try that." I aforesaid.

I opened my case file of the missing otter. I placed it on the lobby's desk. I faced the cheetah before I looked into my case file. "Ben, you're going to get donuts from me tomorrow. Because I'm buying." I decided.

Boy, the cheetah was so excited. He made his happy dance with his shoulders. "Oh! I loved donuts! You're my new bestie here! I can't wait!" Ben exclaims.

"Same here, best friend!" I exclaimed.

I stared near the Emmitt Otterton photo. I examined it carefully. The otter was just walking down the street. Emmitt Otterton was heading to one place. The building was big. It looked like some fancy club with floral borderlines. There was a sign above the door. It was my detection that caught me off guard.

The Mystic Spring Oasis

I alerted the cheetah. I was surprised. "Ben, Ben!" I hollered.

The cheetah got my attention. Ben was confused. "What, what?" The cheetah inquires.

I pointed out to Ben at the photo. "Does that sign look familiar to you?" I wondered.

The cheetah seems to understand what I'm referring to. "Oh, that's Mr. Otterton's yoga class that he goes to." Ben replied.

I was beamed. It might be giving me a lead. I hurried to the exit. I waved at the cheetah before I left. "Thanks, Ben! I got a case to solve! I'll remember the donuts!" I shouted.

The cheetah waves back at me. Ben was delightful. "Happy to help!" The cheetah shouts.

I was going on my way to The Mystic Spring Oasis. I remembered that place so well. It's because I used to be part of the naturalist club.

Next part soon!

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