The Battle (chapter 6)

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A/N: sorry this chapter took so long to get out. I have had no down time and to get this chapter out it will be kinda short. Once again I'm sorry about how long this took to get out, and please excuse if this has spelling mistakes as I was trying to rush to get it out. now let's get on with the story.

Tanjiro's POV

Its been around 10 minutes since the fight started. I've been on defense trying to find out what the drums were for. I guess I really pissed him off because he hasn't gave me a chance to attack him not even once. He suddenly stopped and slapped the middle/stomach drum once more and sent a sort of air slash. I make a mental note of the and put the pieces together on what the other drums do. I look at him and he was reaching for his back and hits it. I look at him a little confused as he does it constantly but each time more aggressive than the other. He looks at me and yells that this my fault and how the kid must have the drum. I honestly didn't care so I go to rush him and just as I was about to hit him I hear a drum and I was in a different room. It must be that kid because he is the only other being in this house. (None of the other demons are there yet.) So now I have to find that damned demon again. I sniff the air and caught his sent but with something or someone else, that human kid. I go there not in a rush. Once I got in the room sure enough the kid was there but not the demon, but the missing drum he was talking about. The kid looks at me with fear in his eyes and goes to strike the drum. I rush at him and took the drum before he could strike it. I look at him and decide to use him as bait since that reject of a lower moon wants him. I strike the drum and land in a room with a lot of space this was a perfect place. Now all I have to do I wait for him to come to me.

Muzan's POV

We (him and the upper moons) were watching the encounter between Tanjiro and Kyogai. As I watch Tanjiro I noticed he was letting Kyogai attack him and not attacking back. He also seems to be evaluating Kyogai and memorizing all his attacks. It went on for about 10 minutes when that disappointment of a demon was tired out. He hits the middle drum once more and... Pats his back?? I the realized that one of his drums were missing he had no means of escaping. Tanjiro then rush at him but then we all hear a drum and now we are separated. I was with kokushibou, he asked what we should do. I was able to sense the rest and said we were going to group back up. I found all of the upper moons and now we are looking for Tanjiro. As we were walking we hear a cry of pain and more ruckus so we assume that was were the fight was at, we rush to were the sound was and see a kid with a broken arm in the corner and Tanjiro easily over powering Kyogai. Now we watch the REAL fight.

Tanjiro's POV

I waited a hot minute for the drum demon to show and when he did and saw the kid in my grasp he screamed to put him down and how it was his meal and to find another. I look at him and say "this kid??" with a smirk and breaks the kids arm. The kid screams in pain I let him drop to the floor and crawls to a corner. The demon starts to play the drums again, but I already memorized what each drum does. Left shoulder rotates the room left, right shoulder rotates the room right, left leg rotates the room backwards, the right leg rotates the room forward, and the middle send a air slash like attack. With that in mind I see the world slow down and I can see perfectly what drum he was going to strike. I decide to use sun breathing to finish it quickly. He sends another air slash so I used fake rainbow. I could hear all the upper moons and dad scream (except uncle koku) I reaper behind him and use raging sun to cut off his head. Once it falls on the floor I step on it crushing it while saying " good riddance". All the upper moons and dad hug me, I happily hug back. They all start to ask me questions about what I did and how they were all worried about me(once again except uncle koku). I explained to them that was sun breathing I see dad eyes widen and he congratulate me. I sniff the air and start to drool the upper moons understand what is happening and told me to go ahead. I attacked the kid that was trying to run away I catch him and start eating him. Once I was done I regained composure and look at the upper moons and Auntie gave me part of her sash saying to clean my face. We stay there talking for a while but I noticed a demon slayer crow coming. I tell everyone and they all quickly go to the fortress not wanting the slayers to know what they look like. Dad asked me if I was coming and told him I wanted my presence to be known and he should leave. He nods his head and leave. As soon as dad left the bird landed on the window. My back was facing it my sword in hand. I turn to it and said to tell their pathetic master that there was a trouble coming their way and to prepare because there will be no mercy for somebody who wants to hurt my family. And with that I left.
Thank you so much for watch. I now it took a while to get out so I'm sorry and I probably won't be posting for a while b/c of all of the FSA and EOC test I have that's starting, just for heads up. But summer break I promise I will get more chapters out. Once again thank you for reading and showing support on this story. Have a good day/ night. Byeeee👋

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