Bear 39

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Walker winced slightly as he felt his brother's sudden pain through their bond, making him turn to look toward Heian's farm. 

That didn't seem like it was pleasant. 

Of course, he knew that his brother would be fine, either way. Heian would take good care of him, even if he did something stupid, as per usual, and hurt himself. 

I should start cooking dinner. 

Marsh had helped him with his work around the farm for most of the day, then went to check on Nekosi and do a perimeter check. Since he hadn't come back yet, Walker thought that he might surprise him with something yummy when he does return. 

Maybe Nekosi will have calmed down enough to join us, too. 

It was wishful thinking. He knew that the bear was too aggressive to trust yet, but he could still hope. With a small smile on his face, Walker got busy washing, then cutting up vegetables. Since they'd eaten meat almost everyday that week, he decided to do something a little more simple with stir fried vegetables and garlic bread. It didn't exactly go together, but he doubted that either bear would mind. 

After about an hour of work he had everything cooking and all the timers set. It was good timing, because he heard a hesitant knock at the door a few moments after he hung up his apron. 

"Coming!" he yelled as he hurried toward it, having a feeling that it was Nekosi. He checked the peephole first, remembering not to just trust the bear, even if he was still a young kid. 

To his surprise, the guy was in his human form. 

Still need to be careful, but I'm going to see what he needs. 

Walker slowly opened the door, feeling a little better about the kid on the other side since he hadn't even tried to come in when it had been unlocked. 

"Hey there, Nekosi, what's up?" he asked with a warm smile as he held the door open. 

The guy looked extremely nervous, but thankfully not aggressive. He also looked... like he was covered in honey. 

Oh no. He'd found Heian's hives. 

"Um... they hurt," Nekosi mumbled, confusing Walker for a moment before he noticed the little dots crawling all over the boy's body. 

Oh shit, fire ants. 

Without thinking, Walker grabbed the boy's sticky wrist and quickly tugged him toward the downstairs bathroom. Nekosi let out a startled grumble in response, but thankfully didn't shift or try and attack him. 

"Here, get in the tub," Walker said as he helped Nekosi over the edge, careful to make sure he didn't trip.

He could already feel a few of the ants that had traveled to his own body beginning to bite, but he did his best to ignore the pain as he took the sprayer head off its holder and began rinsing off the boy. He was whimpering by that time, trying to brush the ants off, but he'd gotten so much honey on himself that it really just smashed some and pissed off others. 

"It'll be okay. Lift your arms for me, please," Walker said as he worked as quickly as he could. 

The poor kid even had the biting bugs mixed into his hair. 

"Here, sit down for me please," Walker said as he stepped right into the shower with him, ignoring the fact that he was now soaking his pants and stepping on squirming ants. 

When Nekosi slowly sank to his knees Walker quickly rinsed his hair out, making sure to spray all the way down his back to remove the ants that were being washed out of the strands. Thankfully, as time went on he saw less and less of the demonic creatures, but there was no doubt in his mind that the kid was going to have quite a few red marks from all of his bites that were going to itch for a while. 

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