Chapter 12: Getting Ready

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 ~At Maddy's house with everyone the boys are downstairs and the girls are in Maddy's room (her parents are out)~

Maddy's POV:

'I don't know Shan, this dress isn't really my style...' I stared at myself in the mirror as this blue, silk dress gripped my skin, outlining my body. It was completely diffrent from what I normally wear, I'm the kind of girl who wears baggy hoddies and worn out jeans, never fancy dresses or high heels. 

'You look fabulous Maddy! Stop over thinking!' She told me turning round muttering 'Rhydian is gonna stuggle to not kiss you tonight...' I punched her on the shoulder, 'Me and Rhydian are as much a thing as you and Tom so don't be muttering that rubbish' I giggled as her face gave me a disaproving glance. I couldn't tell the others yet, I wasn't even sure what Rhydian and I were, we kissed, like, twice... That isn't a big thing. Right?

I snapped out of my intrusive thoughts, 'Sit down lemme do your hair!Shan! Sit!' I yelled at her as she stopped 'fixing her dress'. She was wearing a white laced dress with a golden necklace with a 's' charm, Tom gave it to her a while ago- when I wasn't here- she completed her look with a pair of laced white heels. I grabbed her shoulders and slammed her down onto a chair, 'SIT!' I grabbed the curling iron. 'Ready?'

Rhydians POV:

I was sitting in Maddy's living room with Tom. It was awkward. Very awkward. I wasn't sure why, Tom and I are great friends. It's just that there was something we both wanted to say, but we knew it would be risky. I know he likes Shannon. And I also  know , he knows I like Maddy, but for some strange reason we both thought we had to hide it...

'So...' his voice shakily whispered.

'Yeah...' I replied "wow a thrilling conversation" my thoughts reminded me. I growled, forgetting Tom was sitting across from me, he gave me a 'you good?' kinda look, I nodded. We both awkwardly glanced about the room looking for something to randomly talk about, but we both found nothing. The room returned to silence. It was almost consuming us in its empty void. It was like it was getting louder and louder, it was getting on my nerves. I decided I had to break this tension and lay everything out on the table.

'I know you like her...' I strongly said, while staring right into his eyes. My heart was beating louder than the silence,I swear he could have heard it through my chest. 

He choked on what seemed to be his own lungs. He just stared at me looking really uncomfortable. 

'Well- I- Yeah...' He finally gave in, I smiled I was almost impressed with my self until I heard:

'You like her though!' He blurted out shocking the both of us.

'Don't try and hide it Welshy.' He was trying to annoy me now, but the problem is he was right- not the Welsh part- but the fact I liked her, no- i didn't like her, I loved her- 

I nodded. We exchanged a smirk and shook hands, like some sort of odd buisness agreement.

'You gonna tell her?' We asked at the same time.

'I don't know... Maybe...' He replied, giving me yet another nod, for me to tell him my thoughts on this weird conversation. 

'Well, I guess. I don't know how she feels, I mean we have kissed. Like twice-' I told him his face dropped in shock at the fact I had kissed Maddy. I laughed. 

'I can't even look into her eyes without, chickening out.' He confessed. I laughed even more. Tom just stared at me looking anxious.

'You'll find the courage at the right time, I promise. Alright lets stop this soppy stuff, we need to get ready mate.' He agreed and we headed to the Den to get dressed. 

I wore a blue shirt with my top button undone with a pair of black,smart trousers and some black dress-shoes. I styled my hair in the same way I always did-just with more gel. Tom wore a black blazer and white shirt with matching trousers and brown leather shoes. He took a big sigh and we headed back upstairs.

We returned to our previous seats and continued a conversation. Tom was still trying to convince me to join the school football team. I had denied it 20000 times already so I decided to throw him back to the 'girl questions'.

'Are you ready for this? You gonna tell her?' I asked as we heard the girls walk down the stairs.

'Tell me what?' Shannon asked. Tom and I turned around and our jaws dropped to the ground...


Thanks so much to @SandwhichHouse_123 for all the support on this book. 1 chapter left!!! Stay tuned for the disco! 

Word count: 806


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