Chapter 5: No Where To Go

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'*Scream* *clash* *howl*

Aaaahhhhhhh, Make it stop! Help!

Stay away! I hate you! Stop, stop! Leave her alone! Maddy NOOOOOOO!'

Jana's POV:

He was so heavy. He kept screaming. Torturing me. He wouldn't stop shouting about Maddy. It was driving me insane. This boy knows how to get on my nerves. I dumped him out onto the floor and watched as the once so strong and brave boy crawled around the floor. Screaming at his hallucinations. I laughed a slow evil laugh. It felt great to finally be the alpha.

Maddy's POV:

My phone buzzed when I was at the airport- I ignored it, mum told me I had to, nobody could know where I was. I had been on the run for months now. I was getting used to staying in a hotel one day and sleeping in a trash can the next. The hardest part was trying to hide during a full moon, we would make sure we either were near a wood or a beach.

I was waiting for my flight to Canada with mum and dad. It buzzed again. Then again. And again. My pulse picked up. I glanced at my phone, it was a situation where you wished you hadn't looked as it isn't good ,but so glad you did.

'Mum, Dad, we have a small problem, and I know you're gonna hate what I'm about to say, but we have to do it.' I whispered.

'Maddy what did I say about looking at your phone!' dad said.

'I know dad, but my friends are in danger,' I exclaimed quietly.

'Their not our problem anymore Maddy you have to acknowledge that now,' my mum tried to reassure me, but I wasn't gonna take it, I'd had enough. Enough of running away from everything, we had to face the world, we had to do something.

Rhydian's POV:

I wasn't aware of anything, people, animals, sounds all circled around me, I was so messed up, my hands shredded. I couldn't remember what happened, but I do know I'm not meant to be in here.

My body tensed up, my stomach groaned, my throat tightened, I gripped my stomach as I gagged- my body obviously didn't like the potion, I threw up, and then I threw up again. I could feel the effects leaving my body, escaping into the world.

Where was I? The room was a plaster-gray with blood stains painting the walls, bones and paw prints framed all around me, labelled with the names and age of the victim. They were all wolfbloods. I couldn't take this. Not anymore, I needed to get out. I grabbed a rope laying nearby maybe if i just tied a small loop and slotted a pipe- from the sink- through the middle. I lobbed it out the window hoping for it to grip onto something, it didn't. As I paced back and forth, one question wouldn't leave my head.

'How had Whitewood and Kincaid not been caught for murder?'

So many wolfbloods killed yet no evidence to say how.

Then the realisation hit me. 


Authors note word count: 513

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