Scene Setting

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Characters info:

Rhydian Morris: 


Age: 16 years old

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Age: 16 years old

School: Bradlington High - Year 11/ 10th Grade

Infomation: In foster care. Enjoys drawing and sometimes plays football. A mother called Ceri has a younger brother and a father who are wild wolfbloods. Rhydian is also a wolfblood.

Maddy Smith:


Age: 16 Years old

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Age: 16 Years old

School: Bradlington High- Year 11/ 10th Grade

Infomation: Been Shannon and Tom's best  friend since primary. Lived in Stoneybridge her whole life. Had to leave due to Dr Whitewood. Enjoys being a wolfblood and hanging out with her friends. Is a wolfblood.

Jana (name pronounced : yar-na)


Age: 15 years old

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Age: 15 years old

School: Bradlington High- Year 11/ 10th Grade

Infomation: Born in the wild. Learnt to survive in nature. Shown the human world by Rhydian. Joined the school later as she escaped the wild pack. Bit of an outcast. Is a wild wolfblood.

Shannon Kelly:


Age: 15 years old 

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Age: 15 years old 

School: Bradlington High- Year 11/ 10th Grade

Infomation: Loves exploring, hugely curious. Searched for a beast her whole primary school life in till she found out it was her wolfblood friends not a monster. Is aware of the wolfblood secret.

Tom Okanawe:


Age: 16 years old

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Age: 16 years old

School: Bradlington High- Year 11/ 10th Grade

Infomation: Loves playing football. Knows the wolfblood secret. Follows round Shannon. Mum is a doctor and has a younger sister and father.

Other info:

Set is Stoneybridge a small town in the countryside in Northern England. Everyone is well known to everyone else. Wolfbloods are humans with the ablility to transform into a wolf this can happen from the age of 13/14 and always occurs on a full moon. Wolfbloods also transform if they feel threatened or scared. They wont change on a Dark moon (when there isnt a moon) they will feel weak and un able to have much energy.

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