Chapter 7: Let You Down

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Rhydian's POV:

Jana paced, waiting for a reply, dropping me to the floor.

'Why exactly do you want me?' I spoke through my teeth.

'I don't want you, I loved you. I don't anymore, you're just a tool in my revenge.' She bitterly spoke.

'Jana! We have a visitor!' Whitewood called out, she grabbed her phone and dashed out of the cell. Leaving me.

I really thought Maddy would have come to save me, I really hoped. Maybe she didn't think I was important, I knew we weren't official or anything, but I thought she loved me... I guess I was wrong. She really let me down.

'Say hello to your new roommate!' Whitewood sniggered, throwing a bin liner on the floor, and low and behold Mr Smith rolled out. I was in utter shock. I rushed to help him. Jana and Whitewood giggling as they left.

'Are you alright?' I asked.

'Yeah, a little bashed up, but- where am I?' he looked around, horrified.

'Your trapped with me in a cell, so that Dr And Jana can try to capture your daughter and wife.' I said with a fake,unwelcoming smile.

'Oh- Well that's umm..not very good.' he was in complete shock.

'Look I'm sorry, it's all my fault you're here, I shouldn't have texted Maddy to come save me, I don't want to put her in danger.' his face filled with anger.

'It was YOU! I knew we shouldn't have come back! You just wanted to see my daughter. What? so you can break her heart again?!' His voice made my blood boil.

'No! First of all I didn't mean to break her heart. That was your fault, you're the ones who moved her away, not me. Secondly, what was I meant to do! Wait to die!?' I growled at him, flashing my eyes at him.

'Don't you flash your eyes at me, young man!' he replied. Great, I was not only stuck in a cell being used, I was stuck with Mr Blame Spreader.

'I forbid you to see Maddy again! No matter the situation!' he exclaimed smugly.

Those words broke my heart.

'it's fine we probably won't see anyone ever again...' i muttered

'What was that?' he requested in a sharp tone.

'I said: it's fine we probably won't see anyone ever again...' I said angrily.

'What's that supposed to mean?' Mr Smith questioned me.

'It means that, you see all these wolfbloods on the walls, they weren't murdered they, killed themselves.' I couldn't believe the words I was saying, I didn't want to.

Mr Smith looked at me in disbelief.

Tom's POV:

'Mum!' Maddy shouted in shock and happiness, anyone else and we would have been toast. As Maddy ran into her mum's arms, me and Shannon picked up the matches and turned the light back on.

'Where is dad?' Maddy asked, looking concerned.

'Well here's the thing... Whitewood caught him-' Mrs Smith said with a saddened voice.

'No, no, no, this can't be happening, not this, no...' Maddy paced back and forth, her wolf peeking through her skin.

'Mads calm down, it will be alright, we'll sort it out, we always do.' I told her.

Shannon ran to hug her.

'It will be ok.' her voice calm and soothing.

Mrs Smith, helped us construct a plan, it was a fabulous one, sneaky and sly. All we needed was a net and some tape.

'I really hope this works.' Maddy said, biting her nails.

'It will work, it has to,' Shannon told her

'Guys, we should probably get going...' I said with a worried tone.

'If we don't leave now, we will arrive as the moon rises, which isn't a good thing,' I stared at Shan and Mads. They both nodded at me.

'Let's go then' Mrs Smith said as we all grabbed the bags and tools and headed to the car. This was about to get intense...


Authors note: word count: 646

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