Chapter 7 - My Master

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3rd Person

Obi-wan Kenobi was famous for saying "This weapon is your life" when referring to a lightsaber. The weapon of a Jedi was instantly recognizable throughout the galaxy. However, the inner machinations of these "weapons" were lesser known. The essence of a lightsaber, kyber, was enigmatic even to the Jedi themselves. 

There was no other substance with the properties of kyber in the galaxy. These miniscule crystals had the ability to sense and concentrate the living energy within the force. One might even say they were alive, for a kyber crystal refused to take on a color until it recognized its wielder. To that end, instead of saying "This weapon is your life," one might say "This weapon is a life."


"Then, you will be taking the 91st?" Master Windu queried.

"Yes. I assume you'll be notifying Commander Ponds?" I replied, making my way toward the exit of the council chamber.

"Indeed. And, Master Gallia?" the Jedi champion trailed off.

"What is it?" I asked, stopping in my tracks."

"Are you certain your padawan is prepared for such a... potentially risky assignment?" he pried.

"He'll have to be." I stated bluntly, earning a cautious nod from the Jedi Master. 

"It is no secret that I, Master Mundi, and others on the council were reluctant to give you this mission given his circumstances." he advised, rubbing his chin. 

"I appreciate your concern master, but I've made my decision." I replied, steadfast in my judgement.

"Very well." he finished. 

Giving Master Windu a small bow, I set my course for the living quarters to retrieve my apprentice. 

(y/n) POV

I was rudely awoken by a deafening series of knocks on my door. Groggily opening my eyes, I struggled to even lift myself out of my bed. 

'Damn it, slept through my alarm.'  I reprimanded myself before crashing to the floor. Today was the most important day of my life, thus far. Not a great start. It took every ounce of my willpower to even reach the door. I opened it to see exactly who I'd been expecting; Jedi Master Adi Gallia, looking stern as ever. 

"Good morning master!" I coughed out.

"A bit... disheveled today, aren't we?" she analyzed, distracted by my untidy appearance. 

"Master, I'm all good. There's nothing to worry about." I assured her, though coughing afterward certainly didn't help my case.

"Go drink some water. And Mortis Gods, take a moment to clean yourself up!" Master Gallia grumbled, shutting the door. 

After but a moment, I joined my master in our preparation for departure. Walking through the temple corridors, I heard the voices murmur as they always did. 

"Did you hear? He's a padawan now."

"How long do you think he'll last?"

"Poor guy. Master Gallia is gonna kill him."

"(y/n), where do you think I'm taking you now?" my master quizzed, keeping her head forward.

"Hm..." I pondered. "If I had to guess, the temple hangar? Or, your flagship?!" I speculated enthusiastically.

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