Chapter 2 - The Weakest Jedi

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5 years later

3rd person

Silence. Coruscant was not the kind of planet to know such a word. The roaring of speeders and the bustling crowds of people never ceased. Whether it was the myriad of shops and taverns or the underworld of crime lurking beneath the surface, every nook and cranny offered it own sound. Among this urban symphony, one unique sound stood above the rest.




Footsteps. They came from the rooftops of the senate district. 





"SLAM!" A cloaked figure landed on a terrace after a large jump, rolling through the impact. Taking no time to rest, the figure continued their pace, weaving through or over every obstacle they encountered. 

(y/n) POV

'Breathe in, breath out.'  I thought. This phrase repeated incessantly in my head, drowning out any other thoughts. Each and every breath mattered, for if I missed a single one I would lose my current pace.

I could feel every inhalation. Each was as if my chest would suddenly burst open. Regardless, I ran. I jumped. I vaulted. I knew these rooftops like a smuggler knew his routes. Ahead of me was the all too familiar gap between Jeela's Salon and the hotel I still didn't know the name of. Six meters. No force required.


 I leapt across the space effortlessly, my cloak billowing all throughout the break in my footfalls. Once my feet reunited with solid ground, I continued. 




Suddenly, a massive rectangular shadow fell over me. Looming over me was the large wall of an abandoned industrial plant; hyperdrives were manufactured there at one point. My focus was on the pipe that hung over the side of the facility. Thirty meters, a sheer vertical climb. Easy. I was up in twenty seconds. Now for the descent on the other side. After quickly vaulting over a few metal boxes, I took the usual path. A few five meter jumps coupled with a roll to safely absorb the impact. Now for the straightaway. It was now or never.

I gradually accelerated, trying to keep my breathing as steady as possible. I moved my legs back and forth, rallying as much physical force as I could. My velocity doubled, then it tripled. I came into contact with multiple other gaps and chasms between rooftops, but my newfound speed completely invalidated them. They were cleared with ease. The rooftops steadily grew higher as I approached my destination: The Jedi Temple. 

It was as if I was scaling a staircase, only each step was the length of a light cruiser. As I ascended each step, my legs became increasingly fatigued. First it was the burning, aching sensation of muscle pain. Then that feeling was substituted for numbness and exhaustion. I particularly disliked the latter. It reminded me of my own vulnerability. 

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