Chapter 20 - A Blind Eye

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3rd Person

Why do people turn to evil, to violence... to war?

Maybe some were born that way...

Most weren't.

Most were molded by the environments they lived in. 

It's almost funny.

You invade worlds...

You take homes... defile lands...

You subjugate, dehumanize, enslave...

And then... you're surprised when people turn to violence?


The scariest thing in this galaxy is a child born into suffering. 

That child, who knows nothing but parched sands, poisoned waters, or pitch black alleys...

They know what it's like to have nothing. 

Therefore, if you try to take something important from them...

They latch on... and fight like a wounded animal.

Those children, victims of the galaxy's cruelty...

They become your most dangerous enemies.

Within Irisella's factory on the water, a child was currently carrying out her duties. 

Athina POV

Up in my compact metal box atop the outdoor section of the factory, I oversaw everything. 

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