So Boringly Normal

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Hello, I'm Miles, Miles Brown. I know my name sounds like a guy's, but I'm not. I'm actually a 19 year girl with short brown hair with blonde highlights that make it looked striped, I wear glasses, have dark brown eyes with a hint of red, and is 5 feet 4 inches tall. I usually wear a white, long sleeve button up shirt, black jean pants, blue converse, and a blue tie. I recently got out of high school and acquired a job working at a clothing shop down the road. I don't get paid much, but enough for rent for my apartment and the occasional outing.  Though recently I have been having trouble with rent since it rose quite dramatically two months ago, so I've been sorting through random things in my house I'm going to sell online to get some extra cash. The stuff I sell, of course, are things people would actually want, like old games and vases I haven't used in a while. Of the moment now though, I'm doing my job, talking to the weirdest person I have ever met.

"I'm sorry sir, but we don't have blue suits at the moment. We seem to have stopped carrying them in the store for a few months now."

    The thing the man was asking for wasn't weird, it was the man himself. He wore a brown pinstripe suit with a light brown trench coat and red converse. He was walking around the store, looking at all the different items. He was young, but ancient at the same time. He was an extraordinary man, though I've never met him before in my life, I could tell that by the way he looked at everything with knowledge and amazement at the same time.

"Oh, what a shame. I've been wanting to change it up a bit, but oh well. Nice meeting you, Ms..."

"Miles, Miles Brown." I said while shaking his hand, "Is there anything else you need, sir?"

He looked at me and smiled, "Nah, I think I'm fine." And with that, the man started walking away. I went back to putting the clothes away, thinking about how odd that man was. I mean who was he, I should have asked his name. I wonder wh-. "Actually," the strange man snuck up behind me, clasping my shoulder, making me jump and whiz around to face him. He looked at me for a few seconds with a confused face, but shook it off.

"I would like to ask you a few questions. Would that be fine?" He asked with a hint of excitement in his voice. I nodded hesitantly, not knowing if this man was insane.

"Fantastic!" He said happily, "Have you seen anything strange going on?" He looked at me with a smile plastered on his face.

"Well..." I thought about it. There were actually a lot of things going on, but they are all normal. Yeah, normal things.... Right? Probably. I mean the strange weather is one thing, but it looks fine now. Maybe I should tell him anyways....

"The... weather has been.... acting up." I replied after making him wait a few seconds.

"What do you mean, 'acting up'." He looked kinda serious now. That's strange, he was just happy go lucky a second ago...

"Well, it's normal now, but it would start snowing.... in the end of spring and then it would be overly hot and dry the next day. It's really strange, but it's only happening in my neighborhood. I can tell you where if you would like." I don't know why I would tell him what street I live on, but I feel I could trust this man, even if he is a little crazy.

"Yes, that would be terrific!" He smiled a very big smile, squinting his eyes slightly.

"It's Waiting Tree Street. I hope you'll find something, everyone who's went to investigate can't find anything."

"Thank you, Ms. Miles Brown. That helps a lot more then you think." He then ran out the door and up the street. I stared after him until my boss came around and yelled at me to get back to work. That was strange, really strange and nothing happens in my life that is strange. Maybe everything will stop being normal with that man around. I smiled slightly at that thought.

~2 years later~

The nameless man though never came back around after that, not for a while. A day after I spoke to him, the weather stopped acting strangely and everything was normal. The same old boring normal that never leaves me. I laid on my couch watching random tv since I have the day off because of a freak storm. Though the freak storm also caused me to stay indoors. I sat there thinking of that man from 2 years ago. Why didn't I hear from him later? Not even from the newspaper. No mention of a man in a pinstripe suit and I know he had something to do with the weather being back to normal, even if I hate normal. Could it be becau- BOOM! A large pound of thunder shook me out of my thoughts.

I got up and looked outside. The rain was still harder then ever and everything seemed fine. I turned back around and noticed the tv was static. The reception must be out. I'm surprised it's lasted this long. I looked around my house and discovered it was very dirty, so I turned on some classical music and grabbed some cleaning supplies to clean the dirty room. I started to clean to Fur Elise and kept cleaning the front room and kitchen for an hour. I moved to the hallway to clean the dust that rested on the walls. As I was cleaning the hallway, I came upon my hallway closet, which was needing a cleaning out too. So I took out everything from the closet, mostly spare blankets, towels and the such. As I was pulling a towel from the top self, it caught on something, so I tugged and tugged until it peeked out. It was a moving box from when I first moved in. I slightly tugged on the towel to see if the box was heavy, but the box came tumbling down on my head, scattering it's contents on the floor with me sprawled out on the floor with my hand on my head.

I slowly sat up, rubbing my now aching head. I glanced at the mess around and found random papers, pictures and trinkets around me. I sighed and started to pick up the mess I made. I cleaned up most of the mess which had barely anything of value in it. As I reached down to pick up a little plastic soldier that was really random, a glint caught my attention. I put the soldier back in the box and grabbed the thing that caused the glint. It was a watch. A strange watch I have never seen before with little circles on the front and a broken chain. I flipped the watch over and discovered there was a note attached to the back. I took the note off the watch slowly and put the watch in my pocket. I hesitantly unfolded the note, not knowing where it came from. The note was in a somewhat faded blue ink. I started to read...

"Dear Miles, 

  I know this is bizarre, but you are not you. This watch contains your life, your real life and the only way to get it back is to open it. The life you live is a lie, but still as real as they come. Only open this watch if you want to and I hope you do, because it's not only the real you that you're losing, but my life. I am you, Miles, but not in the same way. You are a piece of me I gave a life to and you are not fully you. The decision you have to make is hard, but remember you will be taking away someone's life with any choice. The decision is yours: your life or my life. A life you have grown used to and known for years or a life you had, but never had at the same time. Just remember. I hope you make the right choice.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   -Miles Brown"

  I stared at the note, wondering who put this here. Is this a joke? How they get this here? What's with the watch? Why a watch? What are those circles? Why would I do this? Is this real? Of course it's not real. Though my signature is at the bottom and the note is in my handwriting. Can this be real? No.... it's not... It's just a prank. Is it a prank? I slowly pulled the watch from my pocket and stared at it. Can I really open this? Will I be able to make a choice? 

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