Falling in love in an ice storm: Prologue

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Olivia's Point of View:

This morning, just like every other. I was standing by my locker moving my head in the beat of the music that was blasting from my iPhone. I was pretending to listen to Mandy, my so-called friend, which I just loved to hang out with (note the sarcasm). She was babbling something about our math teacher, I think. I just didn't even want to bother listening.

I mean, let's face it, I was an antichrist for math and all, I was sworn enemy with it. True, I had straight A's from all other classes, but math...I was hoping I wouldn't fall a year because of it. And that teacher Mandy was babbling about...Yeah, she practically hates me. She always, and I mean always, had a pick on me. Maybe because my dad fired her once, I don't know.

I turned around and checked the hall I was standing in. There were all sorts of kids in my school and we always hung out all together. Emos, nerds, footballers, cheerleaders, loners...And today they were all in groups. That could mean only one thing.

Britney was back.

You see, Britney and her sister Lana were my worst nightmares. And I mean worst. As in those where you wake up in the middle of the night covered in sweat and you can't fall back asleep because you're afraid you're gunna dream same thing again. Anyway, we were friends before, when we were younger. Best friends. I told them all my secrets, they told me their secrets and all that kind of stuff.

What happened, you ask. Well of course there was a boy. Actually two of them. Two I ever actually liked. One, I got over him, and he's now my best friend. His name was Andrew Morris. I was in love with him in eighth grade. And then bitchy Britney came and stole him away from me. Before you say anything, yeah, she knew I liked him, I mean, she encouraged me to tell him how I felt. And when I finally found enough strength to tell him everything, I found him kissing in the park with Britney. That's when I got into a fight with her. It's not like their relationship lasted. They broke up at the end of the year and that's when Britney moved to France to study there.

The other boy's name was Ethan Knight. I met him in freshman year. We had a few classes together and he was always nice to me. I mean, when Lana let him talk to me, which was pretty much never, but...Oh, you ask, why did Lana had to let him talk to me. Because she was just the same as her sister. It was pretty same situation. I told her I liked him, she stole him away from me. And they're still together! Let me tell you, you don't feel very special or happy when something like that happens to you.

So, back to Britney, she was daughter of our principal. Lana was her cousin. Anyway, she always liked organizing things and command and...It was like she owned the damn school! Well, she did...Kind of. Back, at the beginning of our freshman year she came back from France on a 'vacation'. I remember that day like it was only yesterday it happened, and it's been, what, three years? Britney was sitting behind a desk and there was a huge line of kids waiting for something. And when I and my two new best friends came to see what was going on, I found out Britney has been dividing students into those groups I already mentioned before. You know, nerds, emos, loners, remember? That was just wrong, everyone should be hanging with everyone, I mean we were an elite school. We should learn how to communicate with people different than ourselves. So we made a deal. Every time Britney came here for a 'visit' we'll all be in groups, when not, well, we won't. And Lana will be there to confirm everything. So Britney's ruling has been crushed.

I heard the bell ring, and now, everyone had headed to their classes. I checked my schedule. It said I had chemistry first. Awesome! I headed towards the part of the school where chemistry cabinet was.

When I was near the door I saw Eliot and his gang approaching. Well, that's just great. I hated Eliot even though he was Ethan's brother. He always had a pick on me. You see, I was a nerd as you probably assumed from mentioning my grades above. And he was of course a stupid jerky moronic footballer who knew nothing. And of course, as it probably goes, I was his 'do-my-homework-nerdy-friend' without that friend on the end. I rolled my eyes and turned around, hoping he hadn't noticed me. Yeah, I wasn't that lucky.

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