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It was soo nice being part of class 1A. It soo was nice being surrounded by humans of my own age and not needing to kill them. All the people here were also very nice. They accepted me eventho, I am not a human anymore. Still the one protective friend I had was Bakugo. He never stopped meddling into my affairs and protected me too. I knew he meant well but I was stronger then him. I could watch out on my own.

Today was a camping tripp and while everyone is driving with the bus, I am flying to the meeting point alone. I had permission to do that and it was not as Hawks didn't had a feather attached to me or something like that. Nooo, I was absolutely not wearing a red feather necklace at all...okay fine I was wearing something like that. It was just for my protection tho.

That chicken never was able to let me be alone even for a minute. It was either being with him, Nezu or another teacher from UA. It was ever after the Nomu attack on USJ and my talk with Nezu that he was fixated on the idea that I was in danger.

Me: *Sigh* why do I have to trailer a bus. I could have gone there and waited fro them to... WAIT A MOMENT! THIS WASN'T PLANNED!

As I was complaining how I was flying above the slow bus, I could see a mist like circle appear in front of it and another creature that seemed like a nomu came out. 

The moment I saw the nomu come out, I went down to fight it but it was definitelly not the only thing that came out of the portal and before I knew it, I was enveloped in blue flames. Thankfully flames couldn't hurt me at all but I could't see anything for a brief moment. That moment was enough for the nomu to grab me and throw me against the cliff side where the drop was.


I was send flying down but thankfully I recovered fast and flew back up only to see everyone from class 1A outside fighting some villains. However I could also see a villain approaching Kacchan from behind and so I flew down to his side.


He couldn't hear my scream and call. He was too busy fighting this crusty blue mummy who needed some skin care after being fried and dry for a decade. I saw that he also integretted Kacchans hand but before I could get to him, he was already gone into a marble.


I was about to grab the villain and the marble but all of the sudden I saw another nomu in front of me. It just popped up and I had to go through it. Since I was angry and out of my mind, I had my claws out and piered through the things skin as if it was nothing. I did what I knew best and ripped it's heart out before serving it's head from the body.

By the time I was done dealing with this bitch, I saw the villain vanish with the marble.

Me: NO!

I would have loved nothing more than to go after the villain but he was gone and so was the portal. They could be who knows where. I couldn't do anything at that moment but be angry and this anger was driving me crazy. It went over my head and the only thing I could see was red.

The moment I lost controll over myself was the moment I went on a rampage. Before I knew what was going on, I let out a roar out making everyone freeze up. It was done. My murderous aura was freezing them all in place as well as my roar which was part of a quirk. 

No one could stop me as I opened my wings to their full legth and had visible fangs and my hors grew bigger. I only lost myself once and that didn't end up good at all. It was as if I wasn't the one in my body. I couldn't controll any motion nd would go berserk. Thanks to all my rage of losing my best friend to villains that created a nomu, my mind went blank thinking they would se him as one too.

Without any hesitation, I went on a killing spree. I ripped some of the villains that were attacking us into two pieces and killed a nomu by ripping out the brain. I was mad and furries. It was only after I killed every villain that couldn't run away that I calmed down. I could see class 1A and the pussy cats looking at me. However what was in their eyes was not fear but sadness.

Me: *heavy breathing*

Aizawa: Izuku... it's okay. We'll get him back.

Me: I... I am sorry.

Aizawa: Don't be.

I felt someone hugging me as I fell to my knees and was at a loss. I couldn't quite understand what I just did but deep down, I knew I was a monster.

Aizawa: Calm down. Take a deep breath. They deserve it. You couldn't do anything else. It's okay kid. It happens to everyone to lose controll sometimes.

He didn't let me go as I was still out of myself. Only after I calmed down. That was when I relized that we were close to a groupe hug and that once he released me, the others hugged me. It was soo clear that they wanted to encourage me and made me think about something else. They were really good people.

The generation of heroes sure will be awesome. That much I knew and I would make sure that there was no hero commission or any villain that could harm them too much and break this world, I haven't seen for years but come to enjoy and love in a coupe of days.

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