Potato ass Kick

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After the hug, something strange happened. I was standing there in the group of people as the middle of attention. Everyone had their eyes on me and everything. People started discussing as what to do next but while they were talking, I ignored everything. I was lost in my own thought,

I should have gotten faster to him.

I shouldn't have let the nomu stop me.

If only I had hunten the doctor down sooner.

I can't let them harm Kacchan!

I can't let him experience what I have!


I have to go find him!

The moment I decided on that, I was also of calm mind. I didn't notice it sooner but there was this smell in the air where the people got teleported. Not soon after I picked up the scent, I was up in the air ignoring what everyone was telling me. Tho could you blame me? How could I just leave a good friend and experience the same thing that I have? It would be torture and I am not wishing anyone to experience it.

Please hold on Kacchan!

I am coming!

I was up in the air and started following this scent which was lingering in the air. At first it was just this area but I knew that they had to hide somewhere so I went towards the city and flew over every single building. Of course I wasn't crazy enough to fly inside where there were people but went straight to the abandoned part. We were talking about a villain hideout after all.

It didn't take me long to find the same scent again and before I knew it, I broke in through the window that were kinda sealed shut and that was when I saw everyone there an Bakugo with a huge grin. Little did I knew that this was a trap.

Shigaraki: The stage has been set.

The moment he said that, I could hear a loud noise. It was definitely a frequency that normal people were not able to hear but it hurt in my ears.

Shigaraki: NOW!

Before I knew it they put a collar on me. It was in a moment that I felt pain from the collar and in the other I lost myself. It was like sleeping but the thing that snapped me out was an explotion right next to my ear. That was definitelly Kacchan.

Bakugo: Snap out of it Izu!

I could hear his voice but I lost all controll over my body. Thankfully not my mind.

Shigaraki: HAHAHAHA you think this will help you?

Hawks: It doessn't have too.

I knew that the feather I was wearing would make Hawks come to me in a matter of time. He definitelly had the right timing tho. He immediately released me from the collar I had and had most of the people under controll but I knew these were only hentch man not the actually person behind everything. 

Bakugo: Fucking idiots! You will pay for this!

Bakugo and Hawks were definitely enough to handle this small group of people. Like I could see Bakugo using the flames against a person and using his explotions even to boost up the flames a bit more. Hawks had definitelly this crazy bitch under controll as well as everyone else with his feathers. 

I on the other hand just took out that crispy mummy and while I was doing so I also picked up the scent of the man behind everything. Since this guy was the leader, I guessed he would know who ws after Bakugo, me and UA. Besides that he reeked off the faul smell of the doctor. They definitely meet more than just once.

Just knowing this was enough for me to grab this guy but before I could harm him, a portal opened and there was no way that I wouldn't end up going through it but the moment I was through I could see a laboratory as well as the doctor who I soo despiced and another man who I immediately recognised as All for One.

Me: What do you want?!

AfO: You my child.

Me: TSK! I am not yours!

Without any warning, I finished off this mummy in my arms because he tried to use his hand and disintegrate my skin. It worked for a second until my regeneration quirk kicked in. However by that time this person was a gooner.

Without any warning, I went after the doctor and enjoyed to slowly open up his rip cage and see all the organs falling off to the ground.

AfO: Good. I like your blood thirstiness.

Me: You like this! Then let me show you something better now.

The moment I said that, I immediately went after this human. He was the embodiment of evil and if I didn't stop him then who else? However I didn't wanted to make his death an easy or fast one too. So I decided launch at him first.

Once I got to the man, I could see his quirk reacting on me but there wasn't really anything he could about multiple quirks in a body. So I saw these black thing leach on to me but I didn't care as I served the ties and immediately cut off the mans arm.

He screamed and tried to attack me again but I only grabbed his throat and pulled him off the ground. I knew suffocating was one of the most painful deaths one could have but what about suffocating and the lugs filling with ones blood? It sure sounded painful to drown in one own blood and so I used my claws to just pierce this man before throwing him against the next walll and watch him die.

Nothing could help him since everytime I saw him regenerating himself, I just went in and broke his fingers. I knew best how regeneration quirks work. They first will focus on small wounds and then the big ones. So I knew his broken fingers were firstly healed leaving him slowly to die.

Ever after I killed AfO, Hawks covered for me saying it was his work. They never questioned out how he did this or why. The hero commission was covering everything up since no one was allowed to know that Projekt Nomu was a thing.

Me and Nezu both hold a lot of information on the hero commission and we were watching them closely. They created us and we would be their downfall one day. It would be the same day they step out of line.

Bakugo: Say what are you gonna do now, Izu.

Me: What you mean?

Bakugo: I mean you are free now.

Me: And?

Bakugo: You still wanna be a hero?

Me: No. 

Bakugo: Why?

Me: Society isn't ready for me yet.

Bakugo: Fuckign hypocrites.


Bakugo: Soo what else?

Me: I've decided to be a heroes shadow.

Bakugo: That... you sure?

Me: Yeah. This way I can keep everyone safe and the hero commission in check.

Bakugo: *Sigh* You already are a hero in my view.

Me: Thanks Kacchan. I'll stay by your side and help you out. So you better get to the top and show me what you got oh great King Explotion Murderer.

Bakugo: Actually Ground Zero.

Me: Wait! You took the name I chose for you?

Bakugo: Yes, I wanted to live out our dream. That's what I've fucking decided.

Me: Good then be the next number one. I'll be waiting for you.


A/N: Thanks for reading this and I hope you enjoyed it too!

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