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I was laying in a bed that was actually very soft and the fake fur around was soo nice to touch that I couldn't help but just be there an let out a pur as I slighty began waking up.

Nezu: Good Morning little mouse.

Me: Morning, Nezu.

Nezu: Don't worry, this is UA. This is the place I build up myself. The hero commission has no power here.

Me: I see....

Nezu: Will you let RG a good friend of mine look at your wounds?

Me: You know I can heal myself.

Nezu: I do but I would still like her to check up on your conditions.

Me: Okay.

I was still layin on the bed and having the soft things around me. It really felt nice to touch these soft things. It was also warm inside this room and just from the look of it, I could tell it looked like a sick bay. Since Nezu said he build up this place on his own then this only could mean that this was the healers office.

As I thought about this place a bit more, I saw Nezu get out of the room only to return with an old lady. She slowly came to me as not to frighten me and then immediately started checking up on me. The old lady seemed nice and after just a couple of mintues of checking, she gave me a bag of gummies and said I was fine, leaving the room nearly immediately again.

Me: Gummies?

Nezu: Ah yes. They can replenish your energy. It is her very own recipe too.

Me: They smell like fruits and berries.

Nezu: You have a good nose, Izu.

Me: ....

Nezu: I am sorry it took me soo long.

Me: It's fine. I am happy you didn't forget about it.

Nezu: How could I? I thought about my little mouse trapped inside this bad place every day but I didn't had the power to get you out until recently.

Me: It's fine really.

Nezu: Ohh Izu.... my little mouse....

Me: Nezu, did you find my mother?

Nezu: ....

Me: Nezu?

Nezu: I knew when we parted that the only thing you asked for was finding your mother and telling her about you but I am sorry. She has long passed away.

Me: .... what happened?

Nezu: Are you sure you want to know?

Me: Yes. I can handle it, Nezu. It's soo long that I even saw her.

Nezu: After you vanished it is said that she became depressive for years and lost everything she had. Left with no job, home or relative she commited and jumped one day.

Me: ... oh mom....

Nezu: You don't seem to be sad?

Me: I... I can't even remember her face or anything about her. How should I be sad about someone I can't remember?

Nezu: Maybe this is for the better.

Me: Nezu, what now? I don't have a family to return too.

Nezu: I picked a special person up to take care of you since I am not allowed to adopt a human child.

Me: But I am not human animore.

Nezu: I am aware of that but legaly seen Izuku Midoriya is.

Me: .... And who is that person?

The moment I asked that I heard something coming from the window and one look at it, I saw Hawks on the window sill croaching and looking at us with a bucked of chicken in his arms.

Hawks: 'sup kid?!

Me: Kei!

Hawks: Izu! Thank god this rat fulfilled his promise to me.

Me: Hm?

Nezu: Let me enlighten the situation here. You see my little mouse, he came to me a couple of years ago reporting about a kid with your description. He wanted to get me to get you out of there since I am the only hero that is not connected to the hero commission. They have no power over me.

Me: Thanks Kei!

Hawks: No problem feathers. You deserve to be out of there after all.

Nezu: Izu, you are of age to go to school but before that I would like you to spend some time with Hawks. Just get used to being outside and have some fun my little mouse. He will take good care of you.

Hawks: Sure will my little feathers. 

Me: Thanks!

Hawks jumped down from the widown sill and came my way before shoving the chicken bucked right in front of my face while I was basically still laying down.

Hawks: Eat! You never tasted something this good before.

Me: It smells like you? Are you a cannibal?

Nezu: Pfff-

Hawks: WHA! I am offended feathers!

Me: Why? It has the same smell like your jaket.

Hawks: I am still not a chicken! I am a Hawk! A HAWK!!!! This is not canibalism!

Me: .... Pffff! Calm down! I just said you had the same smell like the bucket! You must love eating this thing.

Nezu: You don't have to eat that. Let me get you some real food.

Hawks: You not talking about gummies now are you?

Nezu: No. I was refering to Lunch Rush making something for him.

Hawks: Ohh well chicken still is a pretty good option.

Me: It's okay Nezu. This smells interresting. I'll try one.

The moment I sat up and took a bite of the piece I could definitelly taste the chicken meat and it was really tender. The only thing that I didn't quite liked was that it was too grecy for me so I stopped after one piece of this chicken.

Hawks: Not to your likeing feathers?

Me: Too grecy... how are you not fet?

Hawks: WHA- You are really out for me today. 

Me: A bit. I mean it's been a while that we saw each other.

Hawks: Fine. I'll take everything you say but only because I see you as a little brother feathers.

After that Nezu gave me something to change into and I could tell that it was tailored for me since it was complete black with some green stripes like my bunny ears. They had room for my wings and I had something like a small cape but not really a cape since the lose part was attached to the costume. I guess you could describe it as something that hide my small wings when I wanted them to be hidden. Then I also had something like half gloves which were soft and definitelly made for rough landings or when I decided to use my hands to run faster. 

I could just tell that whoever made this was considering soo many aspects of my abilities which means that Hawks and Nezu together designes it for me.

Me: Thanks.

Hawks: For what?

Me: Everything!

After that we just left the room and Nezu walked side by side with me leading me to a huge dining hall from the smell of it. Not soon after that he came back with something called Katsudon and it was amazing.

It really was nice to be free.

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