Me and my friend.

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It's been soo long that I last talked to my friend in here. Not that I had many anyways.

I know you are living well now that you got away from here Nezu.

I hope you still remember me and haven't forgotten our promise.

Tho it is enough for me knowing you remember me.

I always think back about our small talks all these years we spent together as inmates here.

They were the only thing keeping boredom away.


I know have a new hobby!

They send heroes here trying to make them kill me.

I think it's a nice training and excercise for me but not for them.


I am literally beating their asses each and everytime.

I still miss the old days when I could talk to ya....

It's soo boring now that you and everyone else is gone....

There was once a time this whole section was filled with kids but they all disappeared one by one. What surprised me most was that they were quitkless like me. All of them were! Not a single one was different and more than that they all were either younger or older but more older than me. We all together were ranged from 4-18 years old.

Back then no oneknew what we were there for but after we got taken away lne by one we all started to dread the day the people in yellow would come and get us.

With my luck, they came first for me right after I got there.

*Flashback brought to you by a scared bunny*

??? : Finally someone who didn't die after the injection!

Not dying but close to it!

I was strapped on the table and after whatever rhey injected into me, I felt hot and didn't get enough air.

??? : You really think they will survive it?

??? : Yes!

??? : You already said that the last what? 100 times?

??? : 79 times.

??? : You counting?

??? : Yup.

I was barely able to listen to their voices since I was feeling worse and worse. At first it was just the heat but after that I felt itchy all over. However it didn't stop there. The icthyness morphed into pain. If I would describe it then I would say it felt like thousands of needles below my skin pricking me. It hurt soo much but I couldn't cry as I was barely even getting air.

There was no time to think and certainly no place for it. In these conditions I was happy just having something to focus on and these people who were testing things one me, their voices was everything that was keeping me sane for now.

Before I could even recover or feel better, I felt some movements and it was the table they strapped me on. They moved the whole table away from what I could tell but who was I to say that.

All I know was the light that was on the ceiling and moving. I still had to focus on something to not lose my mind here at all.

It hurt soo much that no matter what I did it was getting harder and harder to control the pain for my small 6 year old body. Still I never wanted to give up. I wanted to live.

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