celebrity manhunt TDA reunion

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Josh: hey there celebrity lovers. Welcome to a very special edition of celebrity manhunt

Blaineley: tonight is the night we've been waiting for all year. The gemmy awards. That's when our fave stars get all dressed up and take home the gold

Josh: in about a half an hour we'll take you onto the red carpet to meet the hottest starts

Blaineley: I am so pumped for this, are you Josh?

Josh: oh yeah

Blaineley: the shoes

Josh: the tuxes

Blaineley: the hair

Josh: the drama

Blaineley & Josh: *screams*


Blaineley: welcome back to celebrity manhunt. We thought we'd pay tribute to this year's most famous reality show cast. The teens who braved it all on the set of total drama island and total drama action

Josh: we'll catch you up on Beth, Owen, Heather, Trent, Duncan, (y/n), Gwen, Lindsay, Katie and Sadie, Cody, Noah, Justin, DJ, Courtney, Harold, Tyler, Eva, Izzy, Leshawna, Geoff, Bridget and Ezekiel

Blaineley: they're nominated in the category of best reality ensemble

Josh: I think they're gonna nail it Blaineley

Blaineley: no doubt

Josh: and when they reunite on that crimson rug. Celebrity manhunt will drain every last drop of drama from these uber famous teens

Blaineley & Josh: love it

Blaineley: total drama may have ended but the drama goes on and on. Our crack team of undercover gossip reporters have been super busy this year

Josh: ooh I can't wait to see those kitties bare their claws on the red carpet, meow

Blaineley just looks at him

Blaineley: we've been measuring the popularity of this famous gang using our amazing, awe-inspiring celebrity manhunt drama machine

but someone was trying to fix it

repair man: it's busted

Blaineley: let's start with total dramas newest BFF's. Last season plucked Beth from the depths of geekdom and became her galpal 

Josh: they took off for Paris and painted the town red

Blaineley: literally

it then cut to Lindsay and Beth in a museum in Paris

Beth: look mom it's me and the Mona Lisa

Lindsay: ooh you look so much cuter then her. Okay move in closer

but she trips in front of it and causes the picture to shake. A guard notices this and yells at them in French

Lindsay: oh no, no Mr. guard i'll fix it

she tries to fix the painting anyway. However, when she licks her finger and rubs it on the photo, she smudges the painting, a siren goes off and the guard grabs her in order to take her away. They were then sent to prison

Beth: wait I can explain! can I please have my phrasebook back? Lindsay help me out here!

Lindsay: did anyone see my other ear ring? it's a gold hoop with a little horse charm

Beth: Lindsay they don't speak English


Blaineley: ooh poor Beth. Her parents had to sell their car just to bail them out after months in the slammer

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