full metal drama

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Beth: Only one toilet is working today?

Heather: This crazy bargain-basement show doesn't even have a plunger?

Leshawna: And I had to be crazy myself to give up this primo spot. Crazy with niceness! Duncan, honey, you take it

Duncan: Tst. Nice try, but you lied to us. And I never mess with liars

Leshawna: Ugh. Or with mouthwash. I got one word for you, stank breath. Wintermint. Harold, baby. Would you like my spot?

Harold: Hecks yeah

Duncan: Figures Taking a bribe

Harold: I don't do bribes

Duncan: Then what's with letting Leshawna suck up to you? As far as I'm concerned, she's off the team

Harold: Except that the team needs her. Thanks for giving me your spot, Leshawna, my valued, if somewhat untrustworthy, teammate

he then opens the door to find Owen sitting on it

Harold: *screams* Owen! What are you doing?

Owen: *clenched teeth* It's not about what I'm doing, it's about what I'm not doing

Harold: Pipes a little backed up?

Owen: *clenched teeth* Who knew a diet of blended corn beef and cheese puff shakes could stop my whole system? *strains*

*stomach bubbling*

Owen: *clenched teeth* C'mon, c'mon! Just a nugget!

Chef: Make way, coming through!

Owen: *clenched teeth* Chef, a little privacy? I'm trying to poop-a-doop here

Chef: Doctors orders, I've got the cure for your no-can-doo-doo right here. One part fruit, nine parts bran

Owen: *clenched teeth* That isn't even food-esque!

Chef: Don't push, kid. They're making me serve you on account of my bad behavior

Leshawna: Give it here. I've been starving half to death since DJ left!

she then drinks it all

Chef: Girl's gonna feel that

Leshawna: My, my! Who knew liquid bran could be so tasty? *burps*

*bubbles pop*

Leshawna: Even on the return trip.

Owen: *clenched teeth* I'd say that my work here is done, but I never even got started


Chris: Today, we're all about war movies, so... look lively, you...

Chef: Buckets of horse doo-doo!

Chris: So, get ready for the first death-defying challenge, you...

Chef: Disgusting, slimy crustaceans!

Chris: Move it, privates! Fall in!

Everyone: Sir, yes, sir!

Duncan confessional: I've always wanted to be a Marine. They're rough, tough, they wear rad boots, and they say "Hoo-ah!" No clue what that means, but it just sounds so cool. Hoo-ah!

Harold: I'm so pumped! My squad in Battlefront has won ten online multiplayer gaming titles. The secret to our success? Teamwork

Duncan: This is the real world, virtual loser. You wanna win? Sit back and let me get my Marine on. I'm the main course, the rest of you are gravy. As in, on the side

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