one flu over the cuckoos

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everyone was currently walking back to there trailers

Izzy: everything is so much smaller than I remembered

Duncan: I still can't believe Gwen made a side deal with the other team, didn't know she had it in her

Izzy: I remember that bush, I remember that tree

she then trips over a rock

Izzy: oh I remember that rock hey rock

Heather: well I can't believe they let Izzy back they totally negated our numbers advantages, and that's the only advantage we had

Leshawna: don't be starting something girl

Lindsay: *yawns* well goodnight everybody

she tried to open the door but it didn't open and she fell over

(y/n): hey who locked the door?

Izzy: hey let me try

she then rams into the door, then sirens started going off

Izzy: *gasp* cops

a ambulance shows off and drops off a 

Lindsay: ew what is that a dead body

Duncan: or an undead body

then Chris popped out of it

Chris: boo

Harold: ah!

he then jumped into Leshawna's arms 

Chris: calm yourselves no ones dead yet i'm here to prep you lucky ducks for our most awesome challenge yet these textbooks hold the sum total of eight years of med school and each one of you gets one because tomorrow we're gonna play doctor

Duncan confessional: I hate doctors they just get off on telling people stuff they don't want to hear like don't pick at that scab or if you eat nothing but pickled eggs you'll die but playing doctor playing doctor I can handle

Harold confessional: I could be a doctor if I wanted to I have plenty of hands on experience because iv contracted more than 300 known diseases and iv been cured of nearly all of them but there is no known vaccine for loving Leshawna

Chris: to win this challenge you're gonna want to memorize the entire contents of these textbooks by morning

(y/n): but it's already so late

Chris: you got that right

chef then shows up in a golf cart carrying pizza

Chris: what med school all nighter would be complete without pizza

Owen: *sniffs* mm! that smells good

Leshawna: it's gotta be a trick

Chris: more like method acting med school interns consume eight hundred and fifty percent more pizza than the average human cause there's plenty more where that came from

they then drove away

Duncan: looks okay *sniffs* smells okay tastes *takes a bite* incredible

Heather: how is that even possible

meanwhile in the kitchen DJ and chef are cooking pizza

chef: keep them coming i'll add the final cheesy touch *chuckles*

DJ: my team's gonna wonder where I am

chef: not as long as there eating there not now hush up and spin that dough, spin like to win

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