mutiny on the soundstage

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me and Duncan were currently sleeping until we hear Beth's chattering

(y/n): what's that sound

Duncan: It's Beth chattering again! With a face like that, I'd be scared too, right guys?  

(y/n): yeah

her teeth starts to chatter again

Duncan: Put a blindfold on, loser! Man, we're never gonna get to sleep

a bomb is placed in me and Duncan's trailer causing us to pass out

(y/n): What the?


a bomb is placed in Beth's trailer causing her to pass out


Beth: Duncan, (y/n)

Duncan: It's a PD day ma

(y/n): huh, where are we?

Beth: I think we've been shang heid

we were tied up on a ship

Duncan: huh tight, but not painful chef losing his edge

Beth: wait I have a plan. It's gonna help make sure that one of us wins a million dollars

(y/n): seriously

Duncan: all i'm planning is to make sure that the one of us is me

Beth: We could work together like teamsy's 

(y/n) & Duncan: teamsy's

Beth: one of you reach over to untie me then i'll undo yours

Duncan: oh sure and then you leave us here and get a head start

Beth: I don't have a mean bone in my body. I'm everybody's friend. I like everybody they like me

Duncan: really even Heather and Courtney always said you made her feel like-

Beth: are one of you gonna undo me or not

(y/n): let me do it

I then untie all of us

chef: breakfast anyone

Duncan: and what's today's delicious special roast lab rat snot getty with booger balls

he then revealed the food

(y/n): Duncan you better you at this

all the food looked really good

Duncan: wait is that food?!

chef: fresh fruit to ward off scurvy, hot flapjacks to prevent lice or whatever. All prepared according to my highest personal standards 

(y/n) confessional: Chef in a good mood! That's like Heather saying she's sorry! You have to take advantage of it while it's happening!

While we were eating, Chris comes in on a roped

Chris: yargh mateys me parrot Chris Jr. Jr. Jr. and I want to congratulate you landlubbers for making it to the final three and as ye can probably tell today be space zombie movie day

we just look at him confused

Chris: it's actually pirate movie day and you're on deck for a swashbuckling obstacle course followed by a treasure hunt through the entire seasons challenges and if you want to clean your million dollar booty, you might want to rethink that all for one one for all approach

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