million dollar babies

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we were sleeping in our trailers but then a horn goes off

(y/n): what the!

Harold: I can't take the shelling anymore sarge I just can't it!

Duncan: Harold if you added trumpets to your snoring, it's definitely time for you to die

Justin: that's it i'm moving to Canada except i'm already there

Beth then walks out of her trailer twirling Courtney's PDA

Courtney: hey that's my PDA

she then threw it in the air Courtney then quickly caught it

Beth: i'm so sorry I started sleep twirling again

Leshawna: did she say sleep twirling

(y/n): that's a thing

Courtney: that PDA is my legal right in the game touch it again Beth and prepare to be served

Chris then starts to play a trumpet along with a drum on his back

Chris: morning sports fans whose ready to put up a good offence 

chef: spaghetti here get your piping hot spaghetti here 

he then throws some spaghetti balls at everyone

Harold: whoa, whoa that was a spit ball 

Chris: that was breakfast

Lindsay: pasta for brekkie 

Chris: it's called carbo loading contestants today you're all going to give 200% in our exciting sports movie challenge

Harold: you are aware that 200% is a mathematical impossibility

he then threw spaghetti at Harold's face

Chris: suck that getti up you lovable underdog destined to come back from certain failure we've got a training ride


they then start to run across a football field set

Chris: that all you got sports fans man up it's time for more action

Leshawna: three cups of spaghetti followed by a three K jog all i'm ready for is a nap, what is this plastic lawn

Chris: Astroturf hello it's a set today's competition is gonna require sweat, gut's, heart and sweat

Heather: you said sweat twice

Chris: that's cause it's not just your sweat you'll be dealing with there's chef sweat too cause you'll be pushing him the length of the field and he just ate a huge jar of jalapeno peppers so he's spraying like a gym class shower

Justin: we got to push spiced up chef like he's a football dummy

chef: don't call me a dummy

Heather: uh I am not swapping sweat with an over sized jalapeno

Leshawna: you're taking it for the team now get you skinny behind out there and push that dummy

chef: what'd I say about the dummy thing?

Heather: you can do this one without me

Duncan: gotta side with Leshawna on this one you're doing it

Leshawna confessional: side with Leshawna *gasp* are they finally coming around? that'd be like rolling up Christmas, Kwanzaa, Easter, Canada day and BOGO day at the shoe store all it's one sweet sweet forgiveness 

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