beach blanket bogus

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the contestants were currently having breakfast

Heather: now I know how starlets stay thin

Harold: wish chef had left me in the kitchen I got me some mad culinary skills

Heather: you mind I was talking to my slop

she then sits down and starts to wave at Beth and Lindsay but they walk away and sit next to Justin

Lindsay: Justin look I brought you bacon

Beth: I brought you facon tofu's good for your heart

Lindsay: pigs good for his hair

Beth: holy moly I love his hair!

she then hugs Justin's head which he then puts her down

Justin: lady's please I accept both your offerings join me for breakfast

they then start to laugh

Justin: aren't you eating?

Lindsay: when you can gorge your soul on essence who needs food

Justin then winks at Beth and she falls back

Beth confessional: if only making friends with a guy as gorgeous as Justin was as easy as making these bracelets 

she then attempts to make one but it broke and she fell over

Trent started putting salt on his scrambled eggs but all of it came out

Duncan: hahaha aw sorry about the morning assault

Gwen then smacked him

Gwen: third grade called you're due back in class

Trent: real mature don't you know it's bad luck to spill salt

he then threw a handful of salt at Heather's face making her scream

Trent: nothing a little pepper won't fix

but all of the pepper fell too and he threw some pepper at Heather making her sneeze

Duncan: hahaha you still gonna finish those eggs bro?

he says as he eats a piece

Trent: are you nuts now I only have eight pieces left

Duncan: am I nuts dude you are officially capital W weird 

Gwen: which is good because I happen to really like weird

she then eats a piece

Gwen: there now you've got seven pieces which is an odd number again isn't that kind of better 

Trent: absoGwenlee 

Duncan just shakes his head

Chris: *whistles* hang on to your coconuts players we're going back to the beach

Owen: woohoo

Chris: ever seen one of those 1950's surfer movie where the kids get up to neato fun before the big bonfire twistathon and the bully kicks the sand castle in the nerdy guys face

everyone looked confused except Harold who nodded his head

Duncan: uh no grandpa we haven't

Chris: well get ready to recreate on junior two challenges followed by a tie breaker if necessary, so grab your swimsuits

they then start to leave but chef grabs DJ

chef: if the sandcastle thing goes down make sure you're the kicker not the kickee

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