ocean's eight or nine

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everyone was eating breakfast and Duncan was currently carving something in the table with a knife and Heather wathes him

Duncan: What?

Heather: Vandal, Nerd

Harold: *blows raspberry*

Leshawna: We have to all stop acting like babies or every one of us is going home

Harold confessional: Ever since Leshawna sold us all up the river for a day at the spa, I've finally come to see that she's only looking out for herself. Of course, if I looked like that, I'd probably just look at myself all day, too. Uh, but she's a bad, selfish person! Bad! So bad...

Heather: Come on, you guys. What Leshawna did is for the best. Nobody needs a day at the spa-like she does. In fact, you could write a tell-all book about her hairdo called "Weave Got Problems"

Leshawna: Nobody's gonna argue with her?

Leshawna: Nobody's gonna argue with her?

Harold: Sounds like an entertaining read.

Leshawna: I'm going back to the trailer.

Duncan: Try not to let the door hit your butt on the way out!

Heather: Door? It's a tent, idiot boy

(y/n): Uh, i'm pretty sure it's an expression

Duncan: yeah

Harold: What you should've said was, "Don't let the flap fluttery–"

Heather, (y/n) and Duncan: Shut up, Harold

Leshawna: They're gonna pay. Leshawna's revenge-

a bunch of people then put a bag on her head

Leshawna: Hey! *grunts*

they then drag her away

Beth: I feel so lucky to still be here.

Owen: And I am back on track! My jaw's unwired and back in business! I can finally eat like normal people! Ha haha! *eats noisily*

Justin: Or like ten normal people

Owen: *gulps* *sniffs* Sorry you guys, but there's a great smell coming from Chef's steam table and seconds are a-wasting! 

he then does summer solts to the kitchen and opens a pot but it was empty

Aw, man, it was just steam! My sniffer must be getting rusty. Yoohoo, Cheffy-poo?! Come out, come out wherever you are! *grunting*

some people then put a bag over his head and take him away, then Chris cut a hole in the tent and slid down with a rope

Beth: What an entrance!

Chris: Consider it a hint as to this week's movie genre!

Duncan: Is it lame-o, rock-climbing, wannabe host movies?

Chris: No. This week, we're paying tribute to the action-packed bank heist gangster caper film!

Justin: Uh, Chris? Our team is missing a player

(y/n): So is ours

Heather: But we don't care

Chris: Owen and Leshawna are gone, people. Because rescuing them is the first part of your challenge

Beth: *gasps*

Lindsay: *gasps*

Justin: *gasps*

Lindsay: *gasps*

total drama action x male readerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora