78: Lexi

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Thank you to jueka1amiva0402, and brightyeolie for all their comments.

For the last time...



Callie went up on stage ahead of me given that her name came just before mine. And nothing, absolutely nothing, could wipe that proud smile off her face as she took her steps up those stairs and walked her way across the wooden platform.

Shaking the hand of our principal, she posed for the photo before giving a smile to mum and dad. After, she glanced back at me and Flynn, still in the queue, then looked ahead as Sara, already at the front of the stage, lining up with other graduates.

Another deep breath later, she joined the growing mass, a proud graduate of high school.

And then my name was called.

We wouldn't receive our ATAR results still for another couple of weeks. Though we knew we passed all classes with flying colours by now (Flynn just scraping in at the end).

And not knowing our ATAR, we still didn't know if we'd get into the courses of our choosing at university yet—Sara and I were going into Film and TV. Flynn was hopefully going into Counselling. And Callie into medicine... still following the dream mum always wanted but never could achieve because of us.

Though, it was thanks to mum and dad giving up their own dreams to raise us that we could be where we were today.

We both knew the sacrifices they had made for our successes.

As the rest of the suckers still stuck in school for another one to five years applauded us after the final name had been called, we posed for our final photo before exiting the hall.

Forwarding out onto the courtyard area, we were greeted by all of our teachers—some glancing at their watches, ready to take off to their next class after bidding us goodbye.

Some seeming almost teary eyed.

The teachers formed a corridor down the footpath that led out of the school gate, forcing us graduates to walk past them.

Callie quickly came up beside me, linking her arm through mine.

Side by side, us Peterson-Williams sisters began our descent towards the school gates.

The last time we'd look at Miss Brooks's face.

Probably not the last time we'd see Miss Fischer given that she was our Aunt's friend... though calling her Zara from hereon would be bizarre.

Giving a final smile and wave to our English, IT, HPE, Film teachers... as well as the ones who I never met, but Callie had in previous years. And then of course, all the teachers  who covered supervision lessons for us but weren't our permanent teachers.

And before we knew it, we were out of the gate.

An intense concoction of relief and despair flooded me at once.

"It's over," Callie breathed, echoing my thoughts.

Ever so slowly, she turned to face me.

"No more high school," she whispered.

I shook my head in response. "We're free."

"And now we have a whole lot more responsibility too," she muttered.

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