72: Flynn

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Oop. Oop. Opp. Enjoy the end of this one.

Thanks already to jueka1 and brightyeolie for commenting last chapter.

Didn't proofread. Maybe later.


At once, Callie pushed her chair away from the table. Flicking the pressure switch on her leg, she got to her feet and darted out of the room before any of us could realise what she was doing.

I stood there in shock for a few moments, staring at her empty seat where she had previously sat, wondering how and why she just left like that.

The class had fallen into an eerie silence, all eyes now on me. Miss Fischer had even taken a few steps closer. Her mouth opened as she softly said, "Flynn... do you need me to sign your diary so that you can get a drink—"

But before she could finish her sentence, I darted out of the room, leaving my books and diary behind.

Screw the diary and permission to leave.

Screw my teacher's calls after me.

And screw those classmates calling after me to let her go.

I wouldn't let Callie go until she looked me in the eyes and told me she didn't like me anymore and never would.

And while she had been hard to read since I had come back, a part of me thought that deep within her, her feelings for me were still there. But were they enough, was the question?

She hadn't gotten far when I had caught up.

On the ground, knees tucked to her chest, she was hiding behind the toilet block as if she was hoping she wouldn't be found.

But her grey watery eyes immediately lifted as I came to a stop right in front of her.

"Please leave me alone," she croaked out.

"Why'd you run?" I asked.

"Because that was embarrassing as hell?" she retorted as though it were matter-of-fact.

And she had a point, to be fair. "I get that... but... why take off like that?"

Her head dropped back to her knees, and she mumbled, barely audible for me to hear, "Everyone was looking at me, expecting me to say yes."

And at that moment, my heart started to shatter. I fought at the stinging sensation brewing in my eyes. At the lump forming in my throat. And after a deep, shaky breath, I said, "Oh."

"That wasn't nice of you, Flynn," she then said.

"Sorry," I muttered, part of me wanting to run away from her evident rejection, the other part not wanting to leave her here to cry over something I caused.

I should have stuck with being friends... I shouldn't have tried getting her back.

"It's done now," she mumbled. Lifting her watery stare to mine, she then held her hands up in the air.

Hesitantly, I grabbed her hands—the touch of her skin on mine now feeling like knives in my heart—and pulled her to her feet.

Tugging at the collar of her shirt, she wiped away her tears and said, "I don't know how to go back in there and face them."

I didn't know what to say back to that. Because if she was worried about what they'd say... Imagine how I would feel admitting I was rejected.

"Why aren't you talking to me now?" she the demanded, eyes burning into my face.

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