10: Lexi

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Shout out to amiva0402 , jueka1 , and brightyeolie for their engagement in last chapter's comments! Always a rivetting experience seeing my stories come to life through you guys. I encourgage more of you passive readers to join in, even if all you have to say is an emoji reaction.

Also, everyone (including passive readers), please take part in my survey at the end. It's very important I know that this stage where we are at... ;)


Squeezing between the mattress and mirror was a little tight for two people as we tried to get ready for the party. Callie had popped off her prosthetic and was sitting on the floor, trying to draw on her winged eyeliner. Meanwhile, I stood in the remaining space, curling my hair.

Sara's room was not large, but she could fit a double bed, a desk, and a single mattress in there. So it was just big enough for the three of us to stay the night.

Sara heaved a sigh, "You're going to poke your eye out at this rate, Cal. Give it to me." Next we knew, Sara was climbing off her bed, discarding her English assignment in favour of also trying to fit into the gap to help Callie do her makeup.

But it wasn't far into that when suddenly a knock sounded on the door, Sara's brother calling out, "Warning! Boy coming in."

Callie immediately yanked her face from Sara's clutches, reaching over to the pillow resting atop the mattress before plopping it over her stump. Her bestie grimaced at her, having seen the whole act, but before she could berate my sister, Noah popped his head around the door.

"Is it safe?" he asked.

"Never," Sara called out. "But we are clothed if that's what you're asking."

Noah walked into the room, gently closing the door behind him as he glanced around. Sporting black ripped denim jeans and a similarly dark shirt, he almost looked like one of the boys from Sara's favourite band. And while I could appreciate his fashion choices and hygiene measures—allowing me to understand what my sister may have seen in him—he still did nothing for me. His sister was the one more often catching my eye, with her soft cheeks and midnight eyes and gentle frame.

"What do you want?" Sara demanded after he started walking around her room, inspecting things on her desk, looking at the school textbooks scattered over her bed.

"Just wondering how far away you guys are," he nonchalantly replied, sitting on the bed now.

"A while. We still have to do Callie's hair and I've only just started her makeup," she replied, barely paying him a glance as she turned back to Callie's crimson face.

While Sara was indifferent to her brother's presence in the room, my sister was well aware that his eyes were now on her, head cocking to the side as his gaze trailed over her.

"Callie is fine just as she is," he then said.

I pressed my lips together in response, trying to hold the smile that threatened to explode on my face as I watched my sister through the mirror, her eyes growing impossibly wider and her heart almost visibly jumping out of her chest. All the while I continued curling my hair.

"Your opinion doesn't count," Sara retorted. "She's got actual boys to impress. Not ugly dummies like you."

"Ugly?" Noah retorted, crossing his arms over his chest as he shot glares at his sister, though she still didn't notice. "I'll have you know many girls find me attractive."

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