Truth, Tears, Home

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The door swung open and Eret had stormed back in, following after him was Sapnap, Karl, Quackity and Tina, they looked worried and slightly terrified

"Well, would you look what I found" Eret glared at George who was still on the floor

Dream had gone over to his friends to make sure they were okay, Wilbur had moved to kneel next to George and was watching their father's every move

"Not what, who" George glared back

"Yeah well I do-" Eret started

"I told him" Wilbur interrupted "I told George that we're brothers. It's time he knew. And I was not letting you say that to him about our mother"

"You pathetic" Eret walked forward "stupid boy"

George and Wilbur began shuffling backwards and moved to stand up. Eret lifted his hand and just as he swung it down Dream blocked his hand with his arm

"Stay out of this pirate" Eret sneered

"I'm not letting you lay a hand on either of them" Dream pushed away Eret and stalked towards him

Karl and Sapnap dashed to the two on the floor and helped them up and brought them to the back of the room

"George, are you okay" Karl breathed heavily

George nodded "Yeah, I'm okay. Just a little shaken" Karl pulled George into a hug  in response

"You will NOT tell me how to run MY kingdom" Eret yelled from the other side of the room

The others at the back watched as there was a back and forth argument between Eret and Dream. It was hard to guess who would win at this point in time. But Dream held no intention on backing down

"George will travel with me- if he would like to of course" Dream turned to George and smiled

"Father. I'll take over the crown. It was supposed to be me, but I didn't pass the test in the amount I was supposed to. I'll do better" Wilbur stared down his father

"How are you SO sure of that" Eret laughed mockingly

"Because my destiny is to take over the crown after you. George's is to travel out there" Wilbur pointed to the window that looked out to the ocean "he is to go out there and go beyond to places he couldn't even dream of"

"And I assure you, your highness, we will take good care of him. We wouldn't let anything bad happen to him" Dream looked pleadingly at Eret

Eret looked between everyone in the room and sighed "Give me time to think. You can all stay here for the night and I'll give you an answer tomorrow. But my decision is final after that"

Everyone in the room nodded with smiles on their faces

"Okay, now get out, I have things to think about" Eret walked to his desk and sat down "people were filing out as I found your friends so the castle should be empty"

One by one they left the room without speaking another word, George and Dream walked at the back while the others talked about how "crazy" that was. As they walked down the hallway, Dream pulls George backwards by his arm.

George turned around and tilted his head "Everything okay?"

Dream nodded "Are you alright?"

George nodded "I'm okay...just a little shaken up and confused"

Dream chuckled "I'm not surprised. Do you think you'll forgive him- your father I mean"

George shook his head "Not yet. I'll appreciate it if he lets me go...but it will take time until I fully forgive him. He hasn't bothered with me for most of my life and just one thing won't make me do a one-eighty. You understand me?"

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