Home and...Betrayal?

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They decided it would be best if Dream, Sapnap and Karl went with George instead of all of them together. Karl was clinging onto George's arm while Dream and Sapnap walked behind them. George didn't have his cloak hood up - so obviously, he got many stares

They made it to the castle gates which had already started opening upon seeing their presence. Dream assumed the guards where aware of George's return to be soon

"Wow, I haven't been inside castle walls before" Sapnap gasped

"Neither" Dream said glancing around

"GEORGE!" A voice yelled

They all turned to look at the voice

"Sophie hi!" George called running  towards her and hugging her

"Oh George! I'm happy to see you but I'm a bit annoyed that you're back here at the same time" Sophie laughed

"I know but it was inevitable" he pulled from the hug "these are my friends"

"Hello, I'm Sophie" she curtseyed with a smile

George pointed at Sapnap "This is Sapnap, he's an idiot but he's cool as well"

Sapnap gasped holding a hand to his heart "You wound me"

He then pointed at Karl who's eyes were red "This is Karl, he's a hugger and he isn't taking my leave too well"

"Aww, don't worry I'm sure he'll escape again soon no doubt" Sophie chuckled

George then pointed at Dream "And this..." he looked at him with a smile "...is Dream. He's the Captain and he's...yeah he's Dream" he turned back to Sophie who had an eyebrow raised and a smile

Sophie hummed in thought looking between the two "Aaaanyway, your bitch of father is waiting for you. And he is NOT happy" she mumbled

"Oh god I don't even want to know" George dragged his hands down his face and sighed

Dream walked over to rub his hand down George's back comfortingly "It's okay Georgie, remember what we promised. We will only be an island apart from each other

Sophie took the lead and the others followed behind her towards the throne room. She opened the door slowly and presented her self

She curtseyed "Your highness, I bring Prince George, Captain Dream and two of his crew. May I bring them in sir?" She stood up fully

"Well obviously otherwise I wouldn't have sent you to wait for him" King Eret huffed

Sophie bowed her head slightly and moved back through the door to face the guys

"Okay, you can go in. Don't forget to bow, don't exaggerate it just moved your upper body down a bit" she smiled and opened the door wider

George walked in first, Dream followed behind, then Karl, then Sapnap and Sophie ended the line closing the door behind them all and stood with her back against it facing the throne

"Father" George addressed, bowing slightly - the other three following in sync

Eret scoffed "'Father'? 'FATHER'?!" He stood from his throne and pointed a finger at George "you DARE address me as your father after the mess YOU MADE"

George and Karl jumped slightly when his voice increased. Dream had to keep himself stuck in his position as to not run up to George and pull him into a comforting hug and take him out of the room

"I'm sorry sir...I just wanted to see the outside world for myself" George spoke looking at the ground

"The outside world'?" He mocked "you CAN do that from a WINDOW we have hundreds of them here what's STOPPING YOU?!" Eret raised his voice higher

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