Second Thoughts

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Back to where we left off 'The Decision'

George led awake staring at the ceiling of his room. How long had it been? He sat up sighing. Was he really going to leave? These are people who are now his friends, they showed him enough kindness to let him stay on their ship. And he was about to leave without a thank you or good bye.

"How selfish" George whispered to himself running his hands over his face

He stood up and opened the door of his room quietly, peeking his head out the door he could see the all the candles had been put out in everyone's rooms. George looked to his right and looked through Dream's bedroom window to see if he was asleep.

He wasn't.

The blonde haired Captain was facing in the opposite direction of George, sat on the ledge looking out of this open window stroking Patches head who was sat next to him. George smiled at the sight of the two who he'd grown George smiled wider.

George turned down the hall wanting some fresh air, maybe leaving early wasn't the way to go about this, running away from problems shouldn't be how he runs his life. Because in the end, the problems just creep back twice as worse.

He rested his arms on the side of the edge of the ship and placed his head on them, he's only been here for a week - nearly two and he's grown attached to the ship, along with the people on it. He was happy here. George wanted to make his own decisions and running away wouldn't be how he'd deal with things. He needed to- something catches his eye. George looks in the direction of where the shining is coming from, the forest. He stands up straight to get a better look, the distance wasn't too far and maybe a walk would do his mind some good.

He looked over the ship to see the drop wasn't dramatic, he could make it with minor bruising. George swung one leg over the ship almost like he was riding a horse. George smiled when he remembered about his first official day of meeting Dream. This is how he began to feel comfort in the Captain and how he spoke and how he acted towards George. It began with him trying to jump off the ship, but this time, there'd be no Dream to stop him. He swung his other leg over and prepared to push off the side, half hoping he would feel Dream's arms latch around his torso again.

He felt the wind in his hair instead, his heart and stomach dropped, he bent his legs and prepared for the landing. He landed on his feet but wobbled over catching himself with his hands. He looked up at the ship when he came to a realization

"How do I get back up?" he whispered. The ramp had been brought up so no intruders found their way onto the ship. And George definitely couldn't climb up. He decided he'd tackle that when the time came.

He turned to the forest trying to spot the shiny thing that had caught is eye. Weird, it looks further than what he saw on the ship. George shrugged and walked towards whatever it was. As he walked he kept checking behind him to make sure the ship was in sight at all times. He eventually came across the shiny object. It was a pure diamond that shone in the moon light, and at either side was two flowers, a white one and a black one, George wasn't sure what one of them was, but he knew the one of the right was a pure white rose.

He picked up the black flower and inspected it, he smelled it, he immediately dropped it to the floor and gagged

"Oh my god" he coughed and rubbed his nose "how gross"

He turned to the white rose and picked it up, he smelled it confident that it's better than the other. He was right, what a sweet smell. He giggled and fell onto his back looking at the sky, he saw the once dark sky now a bright yellow and purple, it's almost like he's never had colourblindness, he couldn't feel his body, it was all tingly, his brain felt like it had cleared. Maybe the walk was a good thing, he heard a voice

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