Finding You

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The sun was beating down on the main deck, Dream, Sapnap and Karl were laying on the wood shirtless catching the sun while the others were either hiding from the heat or swimming in the ocean not far from where the ship was docked

Sapnap sighed "This is amazing"

Karl hummed in agreement "You can say that again"

Dream stayed quiet, he had his hat resting on his face, he was nearly falling asleep to the sound of Patches purring and the ocean occasionally hitting the side of the ship

"I'm gonna go check on George, I haven't seen him yet. I assumed he was sleeping in but it's been a while I'll be right back" Karl said standing up walking towards the bedrooms

"So, you and George?" Sapnap asked from beside Dream

"Me and George?" Dream question

"Yeah, I've seen the way you act around each other. It's not weird don't take it the wrong way, it's cute and annoying, I guess" Sapnap explained

"What about it?" Dream took his hat off his face putting above where his head was laying

"Well, what do you think of George? Or how do you feel about him?" Sapnap turned his head to face Dream

Dream mirrors Sapnap "Well...he's cool, he's easy to get along with, he makes me feel fuzzy I guess, he-"

"GEORGE IS GONE!" Karl yelled running back onto the deck "CAPTAIN! George is gone!"

Dream shot up "What?!" Dream stumbled down to the bedrooms to check for himself. He made it to George's room and pushed the door open "WHERE IS HE?!" His tone was more panicked than angry

Dream spent around ten minutes frantically checking and rechecking every room to make sure he wasn't accidentally missing him somehow

"Dream! You need to stop! He isn't here okay, we need to stop wasting time and look for him" Phil tried to calm Dream down. Thankfully, it worked and he stopped moving and slowed his breathing nodding in agreement

"Yeah, yeah. Okay, let's go find him. We aren't leaving until he's found" he looked around at his crew who were now all together

"Yes Captain!" They shouted

They decided to go into four groups: Dream, Sapnap and Karl who were going to look further into the village. Sam and Callahan who were going to check towards the forest. Puffy, Niki and Tina who were going to check around the beach. Phil, Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo who were staying at the ship in case George came back himself

It had been around half an hour since they began searching and Dream was beginning to get more worried. They would have asked anyone if they had seen George but since everyone would be aware of him at the moment, they stayed quiet

Sapnap would be lying if he said he wasn't worrying but he was trying to keep calm for Dream who was panicking every few seconds about different scenarios on what could have happened to George and for Karl who was currently focusing on not crying to even know what was going on or where he was going, he occasionally nearly walked into passers bye which caused Sapnap to now have an arm around Karl's shoulder keeping him close - for his comfort and safety

Sapnap brought up the idea of them sitting down and taking a break, Karl was quick to sit down as he had become dizzy, Sapnap following pulling Karl's head slowly onto the dip between his neck and shoulder, he wrapped his arm around him and rubbed up and down his side soothingly

Dream eventually sat himself down next to Sapnap, his leg began bouncing. Sapnap placed his hand on Dream's knee

"Dude, it's fine. We'll find him, like you said we aren't leaving until he's on that ship" Sapnap smiled

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