The Great Escape

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Silence. That's all that sounded as George was looking up and down the corridor of the floor he was on. He turned to his room which was tidy to perfection, his navy jacket and crown sat neatly on his bed, he didn't want to blow his cover so he stayed in a casual shirt, which was covered by a black cloak, his lower half covered by brown trousers and he wore black boots. Once he was sure there was no one around he slipped through his door, closing it quietly. He tiptoed towards the stairs which led down to the servant chambers. He got distracted by a left open window, a safety hazard towards the prince and anyone in the castle. George walked to the open window to close it when he caught a glimpse of the village.

He saw the towns people dancing and laughing together, sharing food with their friends and those less fortunate to afford food. This type of festival was quite common in the kingdom, it happened at least once every two weeks always landing on a Wednesday, that's how George keeps track of the boring days that past. He had never been to a festival, obviously. He so wished he could go down an join them

"Wait why am I still here? I can go." George whispered excitedly. He closed the window fully and picked up his speed carrying on to his destination.

"Hey George, I got scared that you backed out I was just about to turn in for the night." Sophie whispered chuckling at the end

"Sorry, got distracted. Okay, where do I go then?" George pushed intrigued

Sophie pointed to a door which was open a creak "Through that door, once you leave I'll have to shut it fully that means you can't come back. I can't risked any of my friends being blamed and interrogated for something they haven't done okay?" she made sure George understood what he was getting himself into

George nodded "I understand. I'm prepared for anything to happen." he reassured

Sophie smiled and nodded in finality "Okay then, off you go" she gestured to the door

George walked to the wooden door and pushed it open, he stepped out onto the grass. He took a deep breath of the fresh air and immediately felt free. He turned back to Sophie

"Thank you so much, you don't know how much this means to me Sophie" he whispered his eyes tearing up slightly

"Oh stop it don't cry you'll set me off" she chuckled subtly whipping her eyes "You deserve to be out there, even if it's for a day."

George and Sophie shared a long hug before pulling away.

"Don't do anything stupid and get yourself hurt, if you decide to come back I want to see you in one piece." she said sternly but still in a whispered tone.

George chuckled "I'll try not to, no promises, you know what I'm like. Goodbye, thankyou again and get some rest"

George turned after sending a wave to Sophie, he got to a stone path leading to the wall he had to cross when he heard the wooden door shut. That's it, no turning back now. He continued to walk, he made it to the wall with no problems. But now he had to get over a large wall, luckily like Sophie mentioned, there was a stack of stones that were placed to make a perfect staircase. He carefully placed his hand on each rock individually testing that they were stable enough to walk on. He was satisfied with the ones he could reach and began climbing slowly, careful to make no noise and not accidently knock any stones over.

He made it to the top. He peered over the edge and saw a drop, again like Sophie said, it's a long drop but not enough to break anything. George swung his legs over the wall, he's now sitting on the top. He feels powerful. He's followed rules for eighteen years of his life and he's breaking the biggest rule given to him.

He drifts into thought back to when he was ten and he was being scolded. "Whether it was an accident or not. You broke the rules. The most unforgettable rule you have been given!" The king was furious he had caught George talking to one of the servants in the flower garden. The king ordered one of his personal guards to fetch him. And he did. The guard grabbed George by the arm pulling him back all George could do was yell goodbye, he didn't dare protest another direct order from the king twice in a row. He was stood in the throne room looking at his feet.

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