A Family

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"Captain you can't be serious, he's JUST turned up, gave you a story and you've gone 'yes pretty man you may join our adventures' he could kill us in our sleep Dream" Sapnap said frustrated while Dream was rummaging through storage chests

"Where's the chest of clothes Sapnap?" Dream asked ignoring what Sapnap was saying

"Dream are you liste-" He started

"Sapnap. I don't want to get snappy with you, but I am the Captain not you, I make the decisions around here. You wont change what I think. He doesn't look like he can cause any harm so stop acting like it. Grow up." He finished

"Boys. Is everything okay out here" Puffy said standing in front of her room Niki and Tina standing behind her peeking

"Yes, everything is fine. Sapnap doesn't like a decision I'm making and he's making it a big deal" Dream huffed turning around to the chests

"I'm not making it a 'big deal' it is a big deal Dream! He could kill us, don't you understand. I'm looking at the bigger picture of what could happen!!" Sapnap yelled and Dream span round glaring at him

"Hold on, who's going to kill you? What's going on?" Puffy demanded now standing in between the two who didn't take their eyes of each other

Sapnap then looked at Puffy "A traveler was being nosy while we were at the L'manberg festival and decided to sneak around the ship and investigate, apparently the smell of the sea made him tired and he fell asleep in the unused room over there" he pointed in the direction of the room George had referred to

Puffy stared at him for a few seconds "Right...I'm sorry Sapnap but don't see the issue that you're getting" she said "he just sounds like he's a traveler and did stumble upon the ship due to curiosity. He doesn't sound dangerous" she turned to Dream "can I meet him Captain?"

"Unbelievable" Sapnap said storming off to his room slamming the door

Puffy repeated herself "Captain, can I meet him, please"

Dream nodded "Yeah, he's upstairs. Sorry about this" he then looked around Puffy to the two women stood in front of their bedroom "sorry you two as well I didn't mean to bring any distress" the girls just smiled and said they were okay

Dream and Puffy made their way up the stairs to see George

"They can be quite loud but they're a funny and nice group to talk to and get along wi-" Karl stopped talking when he saw Dream "Oh hey Captain, hi Puffy" he smiled waving

"Hello Karl" she said softly "and you must be George, am I correct?" She held her hand out

"Yes ma'am that's me" he shook her hand "it's nice to meet you. I hope I'm not intruding."

"Don't be silly George, the more the merrier. Don't worry about Sapnap as well he's just paranoid on your intentions of being here" she sent a smile his way "he'll warm up to you eventually"

Karl nodded enthusiastically "Yep yep, when I first got here Sapnap didn't like me. We were both nine years old so there was like a young unspoken rivalry between us. We were friends within a two weeks of meeting each other, he broke first. He's a softie really." Karl giggled

"You were nine when you got here?" George questioned

Karl hummed "yup, it's a long story. I'll tell you it when we have a free day together" he smiled

"Anyway where are you guys off to?" Dream asked

"I'm introducing George to everyone" he said "He's properly met Phil, Ranboo, Tubbo and Tommy so far.

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