This Time With You

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A/N- Since Heartstopper is releasing today I'm in a good mood so here, have a second chapter :D I enjoyed writing this one. It made me tear up tbh O-o

George tried to stretch but his body felt restricted to movement, he opened his eyes and tired to move only to see during the night their sleeping position had flipped, he carried on wiggling and got engulfed in a hug.

Dream hummed "Don't move"

George giggled "Hello to you as well"

Dream sat up and looked down at George "Hello" he smiled and placed his head on George's chest and wrapped his arms around his torso sighing

George brought one of his hands to Dream's hair and threaded his fingers through each strand detangling them. Dream hummed in satisfaction

"Is that nice?" George said smiling

Dream nodded "Yeah, really nice"

Dream looked up to George's face lazily "I don't want to get up. You're comfy"

George smiled "You don't have to get up silly" he paused for a few seconds "you act like a puppy sometimes you know?"

Dream furrowed his eyebrows "What?" He sat up "okay never mind I'm getting up"

"No!" George reached up and latched his arms around Dream's neck flipping them and pulling Dream down onto the covers "stay" he moved to wrap his arms around Dream's waist now laying his head on Dream's chest

Dream exhaled "What's your favourite thing to do?"

George thought for a moment "I like to read poetry"

"Yeah?" Dream asked "I've never read poetry"

George sat up "What?"

"What?" Dream chuckled

"You've NEVER read poetry?" George looked shocked

Dream shook his head "No, I haven't. Didn't have the opportunity"

"Would you like to read some with me? I carry a poetry book on me at all times" George stood up walking towards his cloak

Dream sat up watching George move "Yeah, I'd love too"

George presented the poetry book he fished out of the pocket of his cloak "Tah-da!" he smiled and plopped himself opposite Dream

"So what type of poems are in it?" Dream asked looking at the cover

"Oh all sorts. Well I say that but they're mostly love poems" George said looking to his side

"Ooooh, you like love poems huh?" Dream smirked moving his face towards George

George gently pushed Dream's face away "Oh shut up. When you're me and locked in a castle for years, getting no experience of the outside world all you can do is romanticise another life" George looked at Dream "you begin desiring for a love that can't ever be there"

"And is that why you read poems?" Dream questioned

George nodded "Yep. I like to picture what's happening or what's being described"

Dream was quiet for a second "When you say you desire for a love that can't ever be there..." he looked into George's eyes "...what do you mean by that?"

George dragged his finger down the spine of the book, he looked down and followed his finger

"Well...I've not really had a chance to have human interaction outside the castle walls. It got lonely a lot, I ended up stop trying to even go outside in the yard after a while. I spent my free time reading poetry and books" he looked up to Dream who nodded for him to carry on

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