Chapter 5-8: The Blessing in Disguise (Part-8)

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Just a few seconds before her death, a memory of her past flashes through Gabriella's mind. She remembers how she promised her mother to have a successful career and give her a better life. She recalls her determination to reach her goals and how she sacrificed most of her time to study.

'No! I can't give up now!' Her survival instinct kicks in at the very last time as she looks up, gazing at the white light on the ceiling. From where she stands at the bottom of the pool, she can see the luminous light from the LED bulb. It reminds her of the sun in WOTON online when she saw it for the first time.

'Yes, I am a fairy... and I can fly...'

Unsure whether or not she can apply her flying technique in real life, but given her current situation, she doesn't have any choice but to try it or die.

'Swimming is faster than walking in the water... and I don't have much time to live!'

All of sudden, her vision becomes clear, thanks to the adrenaline flowing in her bloodstream, 'I just need to reach the stairs!' She is mentally screaming.

So she shoves her leg as hard as she can against the ceramic floor and it slides her toward the round corner steps.

Once Gabriella reaches it, she grips the metallic handle and hurriedly ascends to exit the pool.

Once she gets onto the surface, she coughs as it is a natural reaction excreting the water out of her lungs. After she pulls herself together, she quickly scans the crowd to find the one who almost killed her, 'Where is that freaking Barbie?'

While doing so, she smiles bitterly to the crowd who seems disappointed that she is still alive, 'I am sorry to disappoint all of you, but you can't get rid of me that easily...'

Once she finds Karen Anderson and her goons, Gabriella walks at her and is ready to hit her face and roars, "you almost killed me you biatch!"

Unfortunately, Fanny quickly sees it and holds Gabriella's hand, "don't you dare to hurt my friend!" She defends Karen by shoving Gabriella to the floor.

Gabriella glares at her ex-best friend, "Fanny are you dumb? If she's your friend why didn't she invite you to Empiria instead... you're joining my kingdom, Gardenia?" It is a common secret that only the VIP students have the privilege to join Empiria.

Fanny is lost for words, she never knew Gabriella had the courage to even mention the taboo subject. Now all the attention is shifted to Fanny Chamberlin follows by the evil whispers and stares, 'how dare this biatch to even mention it, now everyone knew and my life is ruined!'

"So, the rumor is true, is Fanny becoming poor!" one of the girls whispers to her friend.

Her friend replies, "no doubt, did you look at her bag, it's still the Channel from fall 2002. So outdated!"

The girl and her friends giggle.

Standing up, Gabriella provokes Fanny even more, "I think from now on, you should consider me as a friend cos we're now the same." Yes, Gabriella finally says the harsh reality that Fanny Chamberlin was trying so hard to refuse, that she's now also a parasite who receives financial aid.

Enraged, Fanny snaps at Gabriella, "You and I will never be the same!" she pulls Gabriella's hair, "I'm a hundred–no–a thousand times better than you!"

Gabriella tries to fight back, but Fanny is too strong for her, so she bites her hand instead and it automatically releases Fanny's grip out of her hair.

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