Chapter 4a - It gets harder

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The elevator door on the 15th floor opened. In his dark blue suit, Harvey walked into a bright entryway on crutches. The hallways were carpeted and laid as clean as new. It didn't smell like medicine or hospital. But behind the counter, a phone rang, and the surveillance system. A nurse telephoned and organized everything from this central point. Benches were arranged around this oval as a waiting zone. On this Monday morning at 8am there sat only one older man with a larger suitcase.

Elizabeth approached the counter in her knee-length white dress over which she had pulled a dark blue short coat. She put Harvey's papersheets on the counter and waited for the nurse to finish calling. Harvey slowly followed her as he checked the hallway. The hallway seemed so long to him. There were no people in either direction, no patients, no nurses, no doctors, nothing but the soft ringing. Harvey hobbled to the window behind the counter where the plush brown leather banquettes sat. From here you had a wonderful view over Manhattan. The sun shone from the blue sky.

You are new here. Right?

Harvey turned and looked at the elderly gentleman in his gray suit with a red bow tie. He looked pale and weak as he sat next to his black leather bag.

Yes, but I won't be staying long, Harvey said without introducing himself.

That's what I always say when I get here. replied the elderly gentleman. They exchanged friendly greetings before Harvey walked over to Elizabeth, who wordlessly called him to the counter.

Good morning Mister Specter, said the friendly nurse at the counter. Please fill out these documents. A nurse fetches you right away for your preliminary examinations. After the preliminary examinations, Dr. Gabriel expect you at 9 a.m. in examination room 2 for the informational talks. You can already go to your room now. It's down this hall on the left - number 10.

Thank you very much. said Elizabeth and took the papers. Then Harvey and Elizabeth walked to his room. Room 10 was bright and spacious, the size of his office. A large multifunctional bed stood next to infusomats and a monitor on the wall. Above that, oxygen access and suction were installed for emergencies. A couch, a desk with a chair and a television turned the hospital room into a hotel room. You could really get well here, Elizabeth decided, even if it all seemed like a dream to her. At least the rooms hadn't been carpeted. The bathroom was spacious and on the ground floor. Harvey stood by the window and looked out over the city.

What are you thinking? Elizabeth asked quietly as she stood next to him.

That maybe this is all just a dream, he said softly.

Then this would also only be a dream, she said and kissed him deeply. Her soft lips on his and the magic was there again. Then they looked deep into each other's eyes. A Harvey Specter never avoids a fight.

There was a knock on the door and an older nurse entered.

Good morning Mr. Specter, I am Nurse Dorothee and I will take you to your preliminary examinations.

Good morning, he said friendly and ran to her with crutches.

Maybe you should change into something more comfortable.

No, I think that's fine.

OK, whatever you say. said Dorothee and took Harvey out of the room in his black suit. Meanwhile, Elizabeth put Harvey's things away in the closet and bathroom. She gave him a PORT T-shirt and sat down in the lounge chair in his room because she had been having severe contractions since the night, which was making her nauseous. And now these came again. Elizabeth hoped it was just the excitement of Harvey's first day of chemotherapy and that the little one didn't want to come just yet. Harvey's investigation took longer than expected. Another MRI of the foot was done and as already thought, the tumor got bigger. It didn't change the therapy, but it did worry Harvey. It was now 11am when Harvey returned to his hospital room.

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